“Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else.” – Hans-Hermann Hoppe
The Editors’ Quote of the Day:
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One should contemplate this as they prepare to vote for the Republic in November.
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He’s 100% right! I’m really sick & tired of people knowingly referring to our rule of law as a democracy. Democratic rule is nothing more than the rule of the mob and has squat to do with freedom & liberty. We live in a “Constitutional Republic”, meaning rule by law as defined by a “Written” Constitution, applicable to all.
It would really be nice to have the so called “leaders”of this country start referring to it by it’s proper namesake. But since they have done, for the last 125 years or better, all they possibly can do distort and ignore it, unless it advances their political/personal agenda, I’m guessing it’s up to us to remind them to get it right.
But it’s always been up to us to keep the so called “leaders” on track, we have just become to lazy to do it. I know the people frequenting this site have the know how so there ya go, that’s the challenge. Lets stop referring to this country as a democracy and get it right by referring to it as a Constitutional Republic, and correcting all those who do refer to it under it’s false name…
NS… TY and Amen !!!…. we MUST get it right … our posterity IS that important !!! … May God give us all the courage and may we heed His instructions to be “ watchman on the wall “ …
Democracy is three wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for lunch.
The rule of the mob.
No, thanks anyway….
i think we should revise what was said “Democracy has nothing to do with freedom”
to “the democratic party has nothing to do with democracy”…