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Kate Brown is a Whacko, blow up the dams! Where are they going to get power from to replace the current production? I guess she has plans to put the fish on tread mills to generate power. Power demand is an ever increasing issue with expanding populations. Don’t tell me solar will replace clean hydropower, I lived in Oregon and the lights would be out almost all winter due to the rain and cloud cover. Is she willing to compensate anyone whose property is damaged due to lack of flood control? How will they maintain sufficient river flow during spawning season? She needs to go!
Power demand has been flat since about 2005, although I expect that to change as EV sales hit 3.5 mil a year by 2030.
School children at the Oregon state capital to lobby for the cap and trade tax. It occurred to me while watching that if they really want to cut carbon emissions they should lobby to end all school bussing. The state would save 100’s of millions and the children would get needed exercise. A win/win.
Logic never works with liberals. Perhaps the legislatures could start using bikes instead of cars.
This is fundamental to the problem…
From your post: “Logic never works with liberals.”
Truer words…
How many miles in which weather should they walk or how many Children would be in danger from snow and storm or such
I assume it would be no different then it was for me some 70 years ago and I survived.
The picture is of the Grand Coulee Dam. Here is a video on the building of this great dam. Simply amazing the “Can Do” attitude back in the 30s.
Maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but I always thought that somebody that wanted to blow up our hydro dams was a terrorist. Can we send some special forces in to grab this nut-case governor, put a bag over her head, and throw her in Gitmo??
Didn’t the Clintons try to solve the salmon problem by killing off all the salmon in 90’s?
I believe WSU did a study in the 90s regarding the salmonid mortality rates among the Columbia and Snake River runs. The study concluded that all hydroelectric activity accounted for less than 5% of the mortality rate. The highest mortality rates were due to commercial offshore fishing, year round gill net fishing by tribes, predation by sea lions and terns at the mouth of the Columbia, and squawfish predation upstream. In early 2000s, the salmon runs hit record highs never before seen because the hatcheries were allowed to operate at full capacity. Consequently, the regulatory agencies cancelled subsequent hatchery operations at anything close to those levels, with the resulting drop off in salmon run populations.
Has anyone heard the comments from the Montana State Representative about what should be done with Socialists? Apparently his idea is too unkind and uncivil for some folks.
When asked to retract his statement by the Republican leadership he said he would only if
God told him to.
If I ever run across him I think I’ll buy him a beer.
For Kate Brown who wants to save the salmon by blowing up dams and for all the liberals who want to save the fish by not using plastic straws, I have an idea for how they can actually save the fish. Here it is: Stop *Eating* The Fish.
There. Fixed it.
HAHAHA! I see what you did there Grits!
Having met her on sadly too many occasions, due to my young family member who was forced to mingle in a quasi-government role, I can attest that she is just a slimy in person as y’all may imagine.
My 2020 SB memory stick arrived today. Thank you Jim and Family for working so diligently to mail these out to your readers. I will dive in later and check out the digital goods, but first I wanted to comment on these memory sticks:
HOLY COW! Talk about overbuilt and secure- just as advertised. A robust aluminum alloy body, with a tight fitting knurled threaded cap and an o-ring seal. I can only hope I protect my devices and power supplies sufficiently to extract the data if that time comes post-SHTF. I am quite impressed and very happy I finally made the purchase this year.
If you have yet to buy one, jump now while there are a few left!
Thanks Jim.
Those dams all have salmon ladders built into the dam
Oct. 7 showed what SHTF really looks like—massacres, kidnappings, total collapse. No warnings, no mercy. If you think you're ready, think again. Get the book.
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Kate Brown is a Whacko, blow up the dams! Where are they going to get power from to replace the current production? I guess she has plans to put the fish on tread mills to generate power. Power demand is an ever increasing issue with expanding populations. Don’t tell me solar will replace clean hydropower, I lived in Oregon and the lights would be out almost all winter due to the rain and cloud cover. Is she willing to compensate anyone whose property is damaged due to lack of flood control? How will they maintain sufficient river flow during spawning season? She needs to go!
Power demand has been flat since about 2005, although I expect that to change as EV sales hit 3.5 mil a year by 2030.
School children at the Oregon state capital to lobby for the cap and trade tax. It occurred to me while watching that if they really want to cut carbon emissions they should lobby to end all school bussing. The state would save 100’s of millions and the children would get needed exercise. A win/win.
Logic never works with liberals. Perhaps the legislatures could start using bikes instead of cars.
This is fundamental to the problem…
From your post: “Logic never works with liberals.”
Truer words…
How many miles in which weather should they walk or how many Children would be in danger from snow and storm or such
I assume it would be no different then it was for me some 70 years ago and I survived.
The picture is of the Grand Coulee Dam. Here is a video on the building of this great dam. Simply amazing the “Can Do” attitude back in the 30s.
Maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but I always thought that somebody that wanted to blow up our hydro dams was a terrorist. Can we send some special forces in to grab this nut-case governor, put a bag over her head, and throw her in Gitmo??
Didn’t the Clintons try to solve the salmon problem by killing off all the salmon in 90’s?
I believe WSU did a study in the 90s regarding the salmonid mortality rates among the Columbia and Snake River runs. The study concluded that all hydroelectric activity accounted for less than 5% of the mortality rate. The highest mortality rates were due to commercial offshore fishing, year round gill net fishing by tribes, predation by sea lions and terns at the mouth of the Columbia, and squawfish predation upstream. In early 2000s, the salmon runs hit record highs never before seen because the hatcheries were allowed to operate at full capacity. Consequently, the regulatory agencies cancelled subsequent hatchery operations at anything close to those levels, with the resulting drop off in salmon run populations.
Has anyone heard the comments from the Montana State Representative about what should be done with Socialists? Apparently his idea is too unkind and uncivil for some folks.
When asked to retract his statement by the Republican leadership he said he would only if
God told him to.
If I ever run across him I think I’ll buy him a beer.
For Kate Brown who wants to save the salmon by blowing up dams and for all the liberals who want to save the fish by not using plastic straws, I have an idea for how they can actually save the fish. Here it is: Stop *Eating* The Fish.
There. Fixed it.
HAHAHA! I see what you did there Grits!
Having met her on sadly too many occasions, due to my young family member who was forced to mingle in a quasi-government role, I can attest that she is just a slimy in person as y’all may imagine.
My 2020 SB memory stick arrived today. Thank you Jim and Family for working so diligently to mail these out to your readers. I will dive in later and check out the digital goods, but first I wanted to comment on these memory sticks:
HOLY COW! Talk about overbuilt and secure- just as advertised. A robust aluminum alloy body, with a tight fitting knurled threaded cap and an o-ring seal. I can only hope I protect my devices and power supplies sufficiently to extract the data if that time comes post-SHTF. I am quite impressed and very happy I finally made the purchase this year.
If you have yet to buy one, jump now while there are a few left!
Thanks Jim.
Those dams all have salmon ladders built into the dam