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  1. Re: Graduation photo… We need a lot more like her in America (and other young pro-2A people like Colion Noir) than we do the snake-oil sales(wo)men like the 0casio-Cortez’s, the Talib’s and Palosi’s.

  2. Re. Tiny Houses
    Here is the story of our 1st Montana Winter in a 7′ x 9′ shelter. We survived. And yes, we are still married. And yes, we completed ‘Our Homestead’ 3 years later. Our ‘cabin’ is now a ‘guest cabin’ or ‘guest BOL’ (100 feet away). (Pictures)

    This is a viable option for folks who:
    1. Live far from where they would like to establish a bug-out, and
    2. Want to eventually move to their BOL and begin building their homestead.


  3. RE: Switzerland

    My eye was drawn to this line:

    “They insisted it will not block law-abiding citizens from obtaining legal guns, but would simply do more to track them.”

    Oh boy. I have a close relative who permanently moved from the U.S. to Europe a couple of decades ago, and it was astonishing to see his gradual transformation from a Southern Good-Ol-Boy gun owner to a ‘Europeanized’ person who got rid of all his firearms and now agrees with some aspects of gun control. It’s a really different environment over there.

    Good luck, Switzerland, if you cross the rubicon and willingly submit yourselves to registration. I mean, it’s not like world history has plenty of examples of abuse of this, right?

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