It is said that prepping is not a movement or a philosophy. It is a way of life, and a way of life must accommodate changes in life. Having squarely arrived into my “Golden Years,” I was reluctantly forced to take a fresh look at my prepping agenda. Not exactly a newbie to the game. I’m still eating Year 2000 Problem (Y2K) food, I have accumulated food, gear, and training over the years and have reached a somewhat reasonable level of comfort. However, we all know what happens when we start feeling confident. After a few recent practice drills and equipment purchases, clearly it was time to make some adjustments. What I would like to do is offer a somewhat tongue-in-cheek (with some exaggeration) summation of some key areas of Age-Adjusted Prepping and then illustrate the changes required.
Note: Throughout this article I’ll be using a new acronym: What the Experts Say (WTES).
Bug Out Bags
What the Experts Say (WTES): Should weigh between x and xx pounds and should only contain essential items, which are different depending on which “expert” you consult. Forget the camouflage or olive drab (OD) green. The bag should not look too military. You want to blend in, you know, the “Grey Man” concept. Not to worry, I have this grey man thing down pat. Every morning, I look in the mirror and see the grey hair and beard. Now, for the age-adjusted, bug out bag, mine is not military, did not cost $350, and is stuffed with way more than essentials. Yes, it is too heavy, but at my age I will not be trekking 20 miles a day; and when I hit my limit, the contents of my bag will insure that I will be warm, dry, and well fed.
Storage Food
WTES: A combination of dehydrated, home, and commercially-canned goods, and round out your supply with freeze-dried products with a shelf life of 25 years. Alright, good plan, we went that route including food preserved from our garden. Also, over the years, we have gradually (because of the cost involved) acquired a reasonable supply of freeze-dried storage food. The age-adjusted problem, we have limited space for storage for our food so future purchases will concentrate on bulk products such as rice and beans. The freeze-dried stuff is nice but expensive and at our age the 25 year shelf life is probably irrelevant.
Water Supply
WTES: About one gallon per day per person is recommended. This is all well and good, but we once did a drill which involved no utilities for 24 hours. I am not talking about a simulation. We literally cut everything off. We managed pretty well but found that we used much more stored water than we anticipated. Even though we do have source of water approximately a half mile from our house, I just don’t see us lugging five-gallon containers to and from the source every day. Our age-adjusted prepping plan includes increased storage containers and rain barrels.
While on the subject of utilities, when we moved to our current location, we heard stories of a massive ice storm which occurred several years ago and long-term, power outages. As soon as funds became available, we invested in a propane heater which was not electric dependent. The propane supply is used primarily for emergencies, thus giving us a backup heat source. Backup heat is a really big deal when you wake up in the middle of the night with no electricity and a house colder than a politician’s heart.
Medical Supplies
WTES: We should stockpile, antibiotics, vitamins, wound-care products, required medications, and the tools to perform minor surgery. Not only the should we stockpile the materials, but we should take courses which teach us how to use all these materials. Okay, I have no argument with any of that, but in the age-adjusted medical game, several items fall into the required medications which are ibuprofen (commonly known in our age group as “Vitamin I”), Ben Gay and Metamucil (especially if you are consuming a lot of MREs). Rounding out the list are several Ace bandages to hold everything together. Oh, and about that surgical kit, I will not be stitching myself nor anyone else. I have converted from the needle to the staple kit. Having one used on me has convinced me it is simpler and less painful.
WTES: You need a main battle rifle, a long-range bolt gun, a shotgun, a .22 rifle for small game, and of course a side arm. Well okay, that’s great if you can do that, but in the age-adjusted world, I have decided I can narrow that down to one weapon. Now, I just need to find out where I can buy an AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter. If the Apache purchase falls through, then I am back to the rifle. The experts say I should be able to hit a man size target at 300 hundred yards with iron sights. Are you serious? I can’t even see a target at 300 hundred yards. My last eye appointment confirmed that the iron sights have long since given way to red dots and scopes, mil dots and bifocals are not very compatible. Besides, even if I hit a target at 300 hundred yards do you think these old knees (even with the Ace bandages) are going to carry me that far to confirm it?
WTES: You should have buried caches of food, weapons, and ammo at different intervals along your bugout route. Age-adjusted prep says, “You have got to be kidding me! I can’t even remember where I left my car keys, let alone a buried treasure.” I know, I know, draw a map, but then I must find the map. I will have to make do with what’s in my car or pack.
Bug Out Vehicles
WTES: One should have a 1980s vintage nine-thousand, horse power, four-wheel drive, pickup truck with a lift kit and tires big enough to require a rappelling harness and rope to exit the cab. Age-adjusted prep says, grey man approach applies here, the soccer mom mini van filled with carefully hidden supplies and a Glock within arm’s reach, will be my exit instrument and hopefully innocent looking enough not to arouse Federales’ interest when attempting to pass through a roadblock. Add some mussed up grey hair and incoherent babbling and this should be enough to convince the gate keepers to let the old codger through, he is harmless.
Defending the Home Front
WTES: You should have high ground, a clear 500-yard kill zone, intruder alarms, booby traps and six German shepherds constantly patrolling the perimeter. Great, if you have the finances go for it. The age-adjusted prep says pensions don’t finance compounds. I live in the burbs and will just have to rely on a brick house to deflect most small arms fire.
A wise man (and I wish I remembered who, but I’m old), once said, “If you wait till the attackers are at your door, you have already lost the battle.“ Embracing that philosophy, I intend to practice numerous medium-range patrols, ambushes, and sniping to keep the bad guys at a considerable distance from the home front.
Your Tribe
WTES: You need to be connected with a group of like-minded individuals, you need to sleep sometime and a number of people to share the chores and contribute to the security certainly makes sense. We all know the pitfalls of forming a mutual-assistance group so carefully screen your potential members for the skills, abilities and correct mindset. After all, these are the people to whom you are entrusting your life. Age-adjusted prepping says to carry the selection process one step further. If you are a member of the social security clan, consider trying to recruit some young people into your group. This can be a win-win situation.
I recently watched a video on the Internet where two teenagers were completely mystified trying to figure out how to dial a number using a rotary-dial phone. Clearly the majority of today’s youth do not possess even the minimum skills required for survival. However, some are willing to learn, so in exchange for your knowledge, they are willing to provide labor to the heavy-lifting jobs. This arrangement also insures the necessary skills and knowledge will be passed on to future generations.
In conclusion, although we are a bit long in the tooth and must make adjustments in order to compensate for skills and abilities that have diminished over the years, do not count us out, especially military veterans. Although I served, I was never deployed to Vietnam, but many of my friends were and I can tell you these men are beyond tough and can adapt to any situation. Although this definition applies to veterans of all wars, I can only speak for my generation. So, if you are a young person trying to get your prepping house in order, I suggest you find some vets of any generation to join your team, and don’t rule out us grey beards. We may not know how to tweet or Snapchat, but we do know how to protect our friends and family.
Excellent article that reflects reality! Not enough of these being posted.
Excellent article, while I’m not in the full on old-timers category, I’m sure as heck not as young as I used to be. Got a lovely call back to reality just this week: I had my annual fitness test at work, and while I felt pretty good about myself getting out there and hanging with the young guys, then still feeling solid enough to help shovel snow afterwards and “lead from the front”… I’ll tell you what, Today I’ve got aches and pains in places I didn’t know I had. Like grandpa used to say, “I can still party like a rock star, just can’t recover like one.”
It’s nice to see a touch of humility in getting the peeps ready.
How true this is for us that have passed the old guy numbers in life!
Very thought provoking article for us “old timers.” I am in the same boat. The days of my envisioning myself running through the jungle in a Ramboesqe manner are long forgotten. I will have to content myself with trying to survive in the small village we relocated to a few decades ago.
I think one of the hardest parts will be to not appear reasonably well-fed and relatively healthy while those around us will obviously be deteriorating from lack of food, water and medicines. After a few weeks, people will know something is up if we show any signs of having anything beyond what everyone else has.
exactly. I keep some obviously oversized clothes at home to wear to look like I am shrinking. I also live in a small village in the middle of the canadian prairies. 55 people and 45 minutes drive to any city over 500 people.
Get some clothes from the thrift shop in something similar to your usual style that are two or three sizes too large, and likewise a too-long belt. You will look like you shrank.
As with others here already, most excellent article! As part of the group you describe, I read the SMEs on what I am supposed to do, chuckle, then look for something more appropriate. I am more concerned about meds, and holding body parts together than being part of a fire team doing a Bounding Overwatch. I will monitor the CP or LP/OP, thank you very much. I also graduated to scopes a long time ago. Bi-focals do not work well with iron sights for a longer range.
As you read all the comments Dan, just remember the Toby Keith song…I’m not as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I always was.
Outstanding and very entertaining.
GEEZERS UNITE and ROCK ON!! (wheezing)
Well done !
All us old farts can relate
Time is the enemy of us all. As with the author, I can no longer move like I did in my Rugby days. In fact, it is because of my Rugby days I am having ever more difficulty now. LOL
Someone once said, “the problem with the elderly is they are more devious”. Maybe so. We have learned a lot from life to get this far, and we know we are in the hole physically, so we must think more creatively than the thirty-somethings. I was asked how I thought I would do on a show like “Survivor”. I responded that I would win if there weren’t anyone else my age on the show. On day 2, the producers would find all the other competitors with their throats slit from the night before.
If you have to win and you are the bottom of the heap, you don’t mess around.
Many years ago, I read “The body remembers in later years the insults of youth.” So true.
Fortunately, I am doing reasonably well at my age. I tell people that I have strenuously avoided hard work and exercise all my life, so I am “low mileage.”
Truth vs fantasy. The key is serenity; faith and trust in the Almighty. No human mind or body or stockpile of “things” or “skills” or any other form of ego can out think or out fox the Almighty. Reasonable preps. Work on serenity/healthy lifestyle/physical fitness/being kind and the spiritual legacy you will leave. The Lord made it clear in the Bible, the Flood of Noah’s time won’t happen again. There will not be a TEOTWAWKI other that what we experience after death or during a life-threatening crisis. The Lord wants us to make this lower, coarse, physical world a fit place for Him to dwell.
There won’t be another Flood but there could be a wide spread depression or economical disaster. When all those zeros in our bank accounts disappear don’t expect a government that is Trillion of dollars in debt to make good on FDIC guaranties. I’m not trying to outfox God but I think the this article outlines some very ‘reasonable prep’ suggestions.
That needed to be said here on the ‘ol blog. I’m sure many of us can relate to this type of age adjusted practicality. Thank you Wandering Will. Yer a tough ‘ol fella!
I thought I was the only one!!
Don’t forget Vitamin T (Tylenol). I took my morning dose with my coffee while reading your article. Well done, WW.
One of the best common sense articles I have read in a long time. I keep telling the Mrs. that I am in very good shape for my age aside from fake teeth, fake ears (hearing aids), fake eye (cataract), fake shoulder, and a fake knee. Guys like us are old enough and smart enough to know we ain’t going to mess around if trouble comes. And I am no longer the “grey” man but a true “skin” head.
us grandmas can relate
nice article
Great article. I would love to see more of these “Elder” themed articles, especially with details of methods/materials to deal with tasks/circumstances we oldsters can’t handle the way we used to (relying on muscle strength, etc.) when we were younger.
TomJ…I’m with you! More articles for us old toads please!
“Golden Years”. My eldest sister tells me that the only thing golden about these years, is the color of her urine. A most relative article for us tribal elders. Thank you.
Having read the article and the posted responses, I have, at last, found my survival peers! Excellent article, both in content and wit. Well done, Wandering Will.
I’m 63, served 36yrs in the military and have the bad knees and back to prove it. I really enjoyed your thoughts. I have prepared as best I can and will continue to be ready for whatever comes. I really like my Vitamin I as well. What’s a Snap Chat? TTFN
This is hilarious, and I agree with every bit of it!
I have been involved in survivalist/preparedness issues for quite awhile. As with gun magazine writers, I am confident that many survival writers re-visit articles, both their own and the articles written by others, and then re-write, edit, and refresh the articles. I wish I had a dollar for every time I read, “Which Is Better, the .45 or the 9 mm?” (Actually, I consider this subject to be somewhat different, being more indicative of “writer’s block.”)
Here, Wandering Will has offered a posting on a subject that has been rarely addressed, and his insight is both entertaining and informative. A tip of the hat, Will.
As a 10 year old sheepdog, I can relate to this wonderful article. Humor will get us through the next season of life too. All of the handguns we have work the same way and are of the same manufacturer. Hopefully muscle memory will be stronger than my memory if it ever comes to using one in a self defense situation. Adapting is the name of the game and the everyday carry now has a laser attached to it. The farm and stock need daily care and it keeps the body moving every day. There’s no excuses and no choice. Don’t forget the cleats for the farm boots either. A fall a few years ago resulted in one of us in a cast for 6 weeks. Worker smarter not harder is also the challenge. A recent RTV purchase helps tote “stuff” around the place. Thanks to the author for the great article and willingness to share with other in the same grey place.
Spot on! Reality stated in its truest form. Why should we “seasoned citizens” get sucked in by WTES, when by the time we’re in our 70’s and beyond, we’ve become “experts” in one of the most basic of survival skills – we’re still alive..
Agree with benjamin. Many years of Judo teaching and competition and all of the old injuries of youth are kicking my butt now. At 70 the doc says my back is full of arthritis and just worn out.
Medical supplies – don’t forget the Preparation H!
Funny ’cause it’s true. My SHTF plan is to provide beans, bullets & bandaids to my sons (aka bodyguards/wood choppers/gardeners/heavy lifters etc.). I will be the brains of the operation!
I can relate to everything in this article. I especially note the ability gap for younguns! I was at a community event a few months ago and a bunch of us “experienced” adults got to talking. The lack of ability to do anything concrete and lack of interest in learning anything concrete in the young is disturbing to all of us.
Love the Vitamin I and T suggestion!
Even attempting to make conversation with the more youthful tech-tied members of the family is a futile battle. How do you teach or share skill and knowledge if you can’t communicate through conversation?
At least those of us in the Silver League can carry on a decent conversation most of the time and be socially interactive. We might have to ask you to repeat yourself but at least we are capable of showing an interest and contributing something. Our parents and grandparents passed on more skills than we realized growing up. They lived during the Depression, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and they influenced our sense of values and ability to survive.
While the kids may have the strong backs and weak minds don’t forget that old age and dirty tricks overcome youth and exuberance every time! Phil the VA told me that my rucksack and jump landings have nothing to do with the condition of my knees and back.
They only gave me 10%… AIRBORNE!
This is the best article I’ve read in the last year! While I can’t do Army Ranger patrols, a sportsman triathlon or even a 5 mile hike, my brain functions better than all my kids and grand kids put together. I tried to teach them how to harvest various size animals but they were in the woods barfing while I was gutting the animals. It is an ongoing process to teach them basic skills. As my adult kids say “mom knows stuff.” I teach and they do, but the grand kids are way too tech dependent. They will be the first to fall apart when their smartphones don’t work.
Excellent Article, only recently figured out that I needed to reexamine my plans and equipment (after 30+ years of prepping). Need more articles like this one.
Bravo for the excellent article!
Great article that many of us can relate to!
I have gray in my beard and I am retired USSF, born 4 days after JFK was assassinated. Very wise words and truths you spoke. To help with my bugging out, my and my wife are moving from a small town outside of Nashville to a very rural setting. I can’t hump like I used too…but I’m full of knowledge and common sense, which seems is hard to find these days! God bless all you folks with common sense and who praise Jesus. Until I see you then…
Just remember, old age and treachery beats Youth and skill every time
This old coot loved the article. Thank you.
Many older folks possess capabilities in diminishing supply today. They include but are not limited to wisdom, common sense, strong literacy skills, strong work ethnic, critical thinking, problem-solving and experience in STEM-related careers.
Just a reminder to young folk, call us if your Bug-Out Vehicle or Bug-Out-Location equipment has manual transmissions.
Well written and very entertaining. We can certainly relate.
Don’t forget the “true friend” that always watches over you, yes our Lord and Savior Jesus, who is the Christ!
Don’t forget the “write in the rain” note paper to remind you of where you left things. I too am watching my sun set. Knees a bit rickety, but the trigger finger and eyesight are still with me. Enjoyed the article much.
The ‘vitamin I’ was a good one. One comment: go with plain Psyllium husk instead of Metamucil…cheaper, no expiration, no sugar/artificial colors/flavors. I get it from Nutrition Express.
Magnesium citrate or lactate is better than either. It is both laxative, and very good for the nervous system, and many other body systems as well. Your body needs it. You don’t need Metamucil.
Just be careful about the quantity as a little can go a long way.
And do NOT buy magnesium oxide. It is pure metal, rusted (like iron oxide) and your body cannot absorb it.
Law Abiding Citizen keep yer powder dry and yer reach out and touch someone M 14. M1911 old faithful. Close by , shoot move and communicate. Semper. Fi .
Ah, here’s a man who appreciates the M-14. Best. Rifle. Ever.
Carry on
Thanks for the article and all the great comments here. Yes, I know guys right now- vets of Korea (90 year olds) and the RVN who are mentally harder core than most 60 year olds and younger. A chair and covered position with bipod or muzzle prop and any one of those folks can provide effective deterrent, and they put up with far less nonsense.
Regular physical activity is critical though for all of us. My 85 year old mom still works out 3 days per week at a tiny little fitness place in a town of 500 people. If she can do it, so can we! Stay frosty, friends.
God Bless
I hope that the bloggers, equipment and supplies manufacturers, and prepper site managers see and take notice of everything that has been said here today. Rambo may look cooler, but the majority of the folks that will survive are the ones that work smarter and not draw attention.
Great article – so true every bit.
Thanks for sharing.
Bug out bag? Forget that, I got a bugout game cart because too much metal in my back holding it together. Now where’s my keys?
This is a great article and good replies! What has been written is what I too come know as well. My brown hair days were still in my thinking but the grey hair has been with me for near a couple of decades. I had to stop and really think of what I can and cannot do anymore. I read the stories, the products and articles and they are all for those with brown hair and good backs. The “Greys” need to get together and share what works for them. I will continue to prep and learn but with knowledge of my limitations. Wandering Will, thank you!
I have reached the age where most all of my so called prepping is done for my sons and their families. I agree that I will not be around to open any of the 25 yr storage stuff I have packed away but hopefully the kids will. I love the tongue in cheek humor of this article and it is so spot on. The only thing I hope to do is primarily hold down the fort til my personal calvary can get here…
That’s what my mother thought. No one in her family got out of their 60’s alive. She very intelligently made plans to have enough resources, food and money to last her until she was 80, just to be on the safe side.
She is now 98 years old.
Do not assume that you know how long you will live. You don’t. I advise planning to have what you need until you are 100. If you don’t live that long, decide who will benefit from your leftovers.
At 72 yoa, I would greatly enjoy a conversation with all of the respondents to WW’s post. Great article on the reality of senior prepping
I thank God my 23 and 30 year old boys have their head on straight.
They are skilled In different ways including mechanical, electrical, and gardening, just to name a few. And the 23 year old is in veterinarian school. If you have kids who don’t have their face buried in a smart phone now a days you are blessed.
Ha, ha, I think we oldsters feel free to come out of the closet after reading this article. Just remember we have experience, common sense and can out-think just about anybody. We are not afraid of hard work, can pace ourselves and delegate. Our children are on board, but very busy. I do think they will thank us someday. Occasionally we go over what’s available and our strategies with them. Staying fit and off as many meds as possible is the best gift you can give to yourself and your family, not to mention divine protection and wisdom.
Great article, and the replies made me chuckled. At least if we can’t lead a combat group, we can provide long range sniping, security and best of all logistics/intelligence.” Don’t let the Bengay give you away”.
Wandering Will, thank you for the best article I’ve read in quite a while. And the comments made me feel “in good company”!
Thank you for a helpful, entertaining article!
It’s not a bad idea to look for herbal substitutes for over the counter stuff like Vitamin I that we seniors take frequently. There are, to my amazement, licensed medical doctors who work with herbalists and make recommendations like this, which is how I ended up trying out dandelion root as a replacement for my diuretic (worked quite well, actually).
Good to know there’s so many of us still kickin’. We have a lot of experience to contribute. God bless, and keep your knickers dry
I loved the article as it hit so home. I just retired 93 days ago (but who’s counting) and I reflect back to my youth. I was hauling a 120lb rutsack miles each night as a Special Forces A-Team Medic, being all I could be. The other day I could barely lift the 80 lb rut I packed, and finally got it on and lost my balance and went backward into a chair behind me. My wife laughed and I turned red out of embarrassment. I dropped it down to 60 lbs and got on the treadmill. After 2 miles I was worn out, and after 3 miles I was ready to lay down and expire. My hips hurt for 36 hrs, and at this age my knees and shoulders also ached. Fact is I had some hard parachute landings and at age 62 I had knee braces for a year.
Bugging out now is an emergency option only. SF days were 45 years and 70 lbs ago (lighter).
The rest of the points were right on. The 25 year good-to-eat works good for my wife and kids (29,7,4 years old) and we use some now and then for practice.
I use to live in the country, but over the last few years we’ve gone from 5 neighbors in 2 miles to 60, and last June a developer came in and is planning 150 new homes here.
Anyway, great article and making it real for the older preppers, military or not.
Thanks for Sharing, and thanks for your service.
I usually take what the experts say with a grain of salt. Perspective and experience have more value than an expert. I dont want to sound like I’m degrading those that are teaching, giving advice, and what not; but everyone and their situation is different.
I haven’t quite reached the Golden Years, but I’m walking up the driveway. Wandering Will has pretty much made the same decisions I’ve made.
Great article! So encouraging.
I can kinda relate. The older I get the better I was.
I have been wondering how many correspondents on this site are in my over-65 age range. Now am getting some idea. And, most of y’all have a sense of humor about it. What a fine clan we are.
Re: dopey youngsters…I pay attention to those who have their heads on straight and know how to work hard. I welcome them into my life, with as much graciousness as I can muster and offer them what wisdom I might have. The youngster gets to decide what of what I say is wise and useful and what is simply nattering.
I was once introduced to a group as an “expert gardener” and immediately offered a correction. I am an “experienced gardener, who has made more mistakes than I care to note”.
Carry on
I got an XDs. Got it home and shot at a box 15 ft away. All 7 shots missed. Loaded 7 more and my boy missed all 7. I used to be a pretty good shot. My ego was so deflated. Hitchkock45 while shooting a G43X mentioned at Shot show the PPQ5. So when I went to the VA clinic I swung by the indoor range. I went to shoot as taught one handed. I couldn’t stand up strait and lock up, but I shot. I got 7 in the 9 ring and 3 in the 8 ring.Yes that PPQ5 first time shooting. I put a new target up and shot 7 in the 10 ring and 3 in the 9 ring. Confidence restored. I’m 73. They may get in the door but they won’t get out the door.
Great article. As a 62 year old, this is pretty much my life too. I agree we need more articles like this that are “real World”.
Take info from the experts with a large grain of salt. An expert is anyone more than 50 miles from home with a briefcase or someone who knows more and more about less and less. Want a reality check, put 3 gallons of water in your backpack and see how you do in a two mile walk regardless of the terrain.
At 73 yrs I have resigned myself to the fact that old age, bad knees, a pacemaker and arthritis severely limit my ability to do much of anything. I can still double tap an 8 inch paper plate at 30 meters with any of my pistols and usually put 3 of 6 in the same plate with a long barrel at 100+ meters.
So I think I will try to take as much pleasure in enjoying the life I have left, pass as much wisdom as I can to the young folks in my life, keep learning as much as I can, and love God and hope He finds me worthy of Heaven.
Great article! This is both realistic and funny.
Looks like there are a lot of geezers on this site.
Lots of Vietnam vets too. Never made it in-country, thank God. Never fired a shot in battle, ditto on the “thank God”. Electricians mate on a WW2 era tin can, thank God we actually made it home. Limped in to San Diego on one boiler and backup generators, but we made it.
It’s a bitch gettin’ old.
To quote the old Vietnam Vet in the movie the Postman when he was asked what he could contribute he said, “I know stuff”. Wife’s got bad knees and I have a bad back and survived a heart attack. Wife could not walk out and I am not leaving her. Just plan to hold up and make the best of it.
Camo Zimmer frame?
Best article ever having survived cancer 18 years ago 2 heart attact a year ago after taking good care of myself I can relate but not giving up got a lot to teach
From the number of Grey Men/Ladies commenting on this article it appears there is interest in a Senior Prepper section for Survivalblog.
As a sixty-something on Physical Therapy for accumulated back problems, I’m pretty sure I’m not walking out of danger with a pack on. Maybe not even bicycling. And while I really like horses, they are part of the reason I’m in PT. That leaves me with my van or Jeep.
So I think I’ll just stay home and supervise the boys.
As I sit here eating my cream of celery soup contemplating what the experts say with my feet up because they have a tendency to swell I suddenly have the urge to take a nap. As I look at our Bug Out Bags or BOBs as the experts refer to them I know full well that it was probably tooo heavy for me after basic training at Fort Ord Cali when I was 19yo during the Vietnam “Conflict”. So I’m looking on the internet for a cart with the capability to carry my stuff that we (wife) and I can either drag behind us or attach to my Harley. I know packing them on our backs is a pipe dream. I’ve watched all the videos on BOBs and nobody seems to agree on content? So I just included it all! Just lugging them thru the countryside will probably kill us before the “Golden Horde” has a chance. I’m tired now just thinking about it, I think I’ll take that nap now. Oh by the way does conceal carry cover a 42″ AK47 and 20-30 round P-Mags?
Oh, my gosh.
So many, deep, good for the soul, laughs!!!
Thank you, WW.
Amen brother. It’s funny, I can’t afford a a compound either. Glad you could contribute some realism. It’s badly needed!
…one knows there MUST be others out there in the same boat, doing the best one can. But the evidence of that “gray horde” in this post is more encouraging AND motivating than one could ever have imagined. i feel empowered and more able to make the effort to improve what IS in my power as opposed to going gently into that good night.
It is obvious the company you keep makes more of a difference as to where your head and heart is, whatever the task. The company here is second to none…thank you WW for providing this forum, “calling” us goldeners together.
We are called to be SALT here on this earthly journey…rather appropriate, at this stage of the game, one is (hopefully) more capable of that. Time is on our side in that it has helped one accumulate invaluable experience. For such a time as this God has prepared each one to fulfill a need. Looking through the glass that is cloudy and dark had left me wondering about the “plan.” Tonight i lay my head with less doubt, less alone, remembering not only is He WITH us on this journey, He PLANNED it…AND the company going along is grand!
You said a mouthful with regards to this aging patriot. I can be difficult to get the young folks in the family to understand what they could and probably will be up against in the coming years. My preps are now for them.
Great article. Nice to see down to earth advice. Please follow up with more. There are alot of us grey man/women out there.
Good article/insight!
If You’re not already a member please feel free to join the closed FB group Prepping for Seniors and share this there.
It’s a new/small group, but very interactive and growing.