“If these precedents are to stand unimpeached, and to provide sanctions for the continued conduct of America affairs-the Constitution may be nullified by the President and officers who have taken the oath and are under moral obligation to uphold it….they may substitute personal and arbitrary government – the first principle of the totalitarian system against which it has been alleged that World War II was waged – while giving lip service to the principle of constitutional government.” – Charles A. Beard
The Editors’ Quote of the Day:
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About those who would attempt to nullify the Constitution, I would say ‘Hang the S.O.B.’s!!’
Jimbo, I’ve often thought that the thousands of telephone poles in this country could use some decoratin’
Show me where the Constitution isn’t already dead. The Republicans and Democrats figured out a long time ago that all they have to do is choose to ignore it. The final nails in the coffin were the 16th and, in particular, the 17th amendments. Along with a “rule” of the House that the House gets to set the representation of the people at just 435. All happening at about the same time. Coincidence? I think not.
We are no longer represented in Washington. The States are no longer represented in Washington. Only our Trotskyite, Communist two party system is represented in Washington. The Democrats are a Stalinist Communist party. The Republicans are a Trotskyite Communist party. However, on any given day and on any given issue, they switch and the Republicans are the Stalinists and the Democrats are the Trotskyists.
Both parties are actually Communo-Fascist parties, or maybe more accurately, Commu-Nazis. They are a single blended organization, communism and national socialism. Communist, Nazi, Republican, Democrat, no difference.
Do I sound bitter? I am. I love my country, but my country is not my government. If your country is your government, they you are no different than than they are.
Scumbag politicians. I love my country, but I hate my government.