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  1. The Russians are working overtime to sow propaganda and uncertainty about the use of nerve agents in Syria. For whatever reason we have allowed Russia to get a TV station within the U.S. and a lot of that propaganda is displayed there. But many blogs are also sources of this propaganda. And of course the same people that thought the U.S. brought down the WTC now eagerly assume we gases the Syrian civilians too. And of course there is the “stunningly brilliant” argument of “why would Assad use chemical weapons when he is winning?” I am “stunned” at the brilliance of that argument. It must come from the same people who deny the holocaust.

  2. The Russians are like cancer. Once they are in it’s almost impossible to get them out.and god only knows how many sleeper cells they have in the states. I am not saying that all people of Russian descent are bad but there are a lot that want this country to fall.

    1. This country is going to fall whether the Russians want it to or not. Its going to fall, not because of anything the Russians do, or have done, but because the sin of America has reached to Heaven. 60 million (give or take a million or two either way) murdered unborn is not going to be overlooked by God forever.

      Look around.

      We are in the middle of the fall of the American empire and I don’t see any Russians.

  3. Thank goodness the U.S. government is more reliable than the Russians… “Questions about the Gulf of Tonkin incidents have persisted for more than 40 years. But once-classified documents and tapes released in the past several years, combined with previously uncovered facts, make clear that high American government officials distorted facts and deceived the American public about events that led to full
    U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.” ~ U.S. Naval Institute

  4. So perhaps we should protest Dick’s and encourage them to stop selling and destroy their inventory of any firearm used in a crime? And why stop there? They should stop selling the ammo too. If they don’t they are just hypocrites . Maybe they put themselves out of business

  5. 12 hr anon is clueless here. Trolls are alive, everywhere…….folks. Discernment is the number one key to understanding, and that is based on knowledge and understanding.

  6. Folks, set your BS-O-Meter to maximum sensitivity.

    If our government is so sure the Syrians gassed there own people, PROVE IT. It should not be that difficult to prove a positive. Yet no actual evidence has been put forward to make the case other than “We say so.”

    On the supposed poisoning of the former Russian spy in England, PROVE IT. It should not be that difficult to prove a positive. Yet no actual evidence has been put forward to make the case other than “We say so.”

    Trust us, we’re from the government and we’re here to help. My BS-O-Meter has been pegged since this latest propaganda campaign started. Trump was ready to pull troops out of Syria, amazingly Assad decides to do the exact thing that would make Trump change his mind and attack instead.

    The British government is also suspect. Since the Roosky ex spy lived not 10 miles from Porton Down, the UK’s chemical weapons facility, maybe the Brits needed to do some live testing on an expendable target. Also, Trump was backing off, to a small degree, on the Russian sanctions regime. Can’t have that, now can we.

    We aren’t dealing with the old Soviet Union here. We are dealing with the most devoutly Christian country in Europe. As for Syria, it’s one of the few governments in the middle east that defends their Christian population from the actions of the jihadi’s attacks. As a matter of fact, the only other country that I can think of in the middle east that also defends people of the Christian persuasion it Iran. You certainly won’t get that kind of action from our supposed friends the Saudi’s, or for that matter the governments of the UK or the USA.

    I’m not defending anybody. All governments are basically evil.

    If your BS-O-Meter isn’t sounding alarms in your head, it should be. Get it fixed.

  7. Remember the Maine and a hundred years of propoganda and false flags should make you question anything this gov tells you.
    Russian tv(RT) is thr most reliable news source available(slightly slanted) but worlds better than CNN,Fox,MSNBC,ABC,CBS,NBC et al. Turn off your tv and learn to do your own research.

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