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  1. Aaaah, the publix edumacation sistem….

    So many of us are preparing for an uncertain “future” yet farming out our children’s upbringing to this indoctrination system. Later wondering why the kids became homo liberals….

    “Train up a child in the way he should go”- that means personal responsibility for teaching, training and upbringing.

    1. We make our preparations for everything from earthquakes to government removal of the Constitution. But we neglect our very future as families and a nation by sending our children to government schools. The evidence that these places are really indoctrination centers is overwhelming yet we ignore all that, for convenience. Being well-prepared is a matter of priorities. Otherwise we quickly get nothing done well. Well, I ask: If your children’s futures aren’t at or very near the top of your list, then what’s the ultimate point of all that effort? Help make the future of our nation solid at your kitchen table. Home educate your treasures.

  2. 1) I think the criticism of the school district partially misses the point.

    2) While I think the district officials were at fault for not notifying the parents in advance of the reporter’s visit and expected questions, I think the reporter’s visit was USEFUL in informing the public –including the parents — of what the State of California has MANDATED be taught by schools as “unbiased sex education”.
    Including the effect of that education on sexual behavior of the young.

    3) You can’t fix a problem if parents and voters are in ignorance of what is going on.

    4) While Parents have a right to demand their kids not be questioned — or questioned only if the parents are present and agree — ANY public institution should be open to scrutiny by reporters — even though I think many news organizations are biased and dishonest.

    5) It’s unfortunate but reporters are among the few agents in our society that ACTIVELY examine and question what government organizations are doing.

    6) In a better world, parents and taxpayers would be taking an active role in managing their kids education, including design of the school curriculum and detailed review of the lesson plans. Plus holding school officials and elected members of the school boards accountable.
    And talking every day with their kids to see what is really going on.

    7) WHY sex education? for example. Why not classes in entreneurship, business management, and management of personal finances? What RIGHT does the State have to demand students spend time and effort in the classroom if the State is indifferent to what the parents and students want and to what instruction provides the best value-added for the student’s effort.

    Decades ago, if a student spent 13 years in K-12, they at least graduated with the ability to earn a living and support a family. Why does no one DEMAND K-12 schools meet that standard of performance today?

    The problem is not the teachers — it is the fact that the K12 Common Core curriculum was ginned up in a smoked-filled backroom and present as springing from the brow of Zeus. K-12 does NOT educate free, creative citizens who will advance human progress — rather, K-12 is designed to create ignorant slaves for the big corporations.

    1. @Don,

      The issues existed long before “Common Core”. The whole system is designed to centralize power over your children and that has been it’s goal from the beginning. K-12 and above is not about educating your child. If it were, they would enable and support the parent’s ability to educate in the way they saw best. Rather, it is designed to usurp the authority and structure of the family and to make little societal robots. The reason it is so much worse today than 50 years ago is because that is the direction society is heading. It’s a vicious circle. The worse society gets (morally and ethically) the more control over your child it demands because it can’t have free thinkers.
      It is certainly true that decades ago, education was better, but it is not an accident that it has devolved into what it is today. That was the goal all along.
      Also, While the institution should be examined by “reporters”, the media actively participates in the destruction of ethical values today and no institution should be allowed unfettered access your your child for any any reason without due process.
      Coming from the perspective of a teacher…Schooling is one institution where the teacher is given considerable latitude in their own classroom, despite what you hear. The issue is that education system is churning out liberal-progressive, ethically challenged teachers by the thousands. Its a monster that feeds itself. While there are good teachers out there who truly have a heart for education in an ethical manner, they are fast becoming a minority and the system actively works against them.
      No, education should not be abandoned wantonly to the ethically corrupt institutions, but should be actively managed by the parents. Sadly, in today’s society, that is not a position that is highly valued. Rather it is most often denigrated and controlled by government the way the education system itself should have been controlled.

    2. In my experience,it is also the teachers that are the problem. Of all my ex-high school classmates that have broken off all communication with me due to our political differences, 90% of them are public school teachers that are so intolerant of a Conservative viewpoint that they ended our friendship. Not a scientific study, but not out of line I think.

    3. In accordance with Don’s point # 6, I take issue with the info graphic given out to the kids basically showing gay as equal to hetero. Look, if someone’s is gay then that’s their choice, that’s between God and them and I don’t want to force my opinion. But presenting it to our kids like it’s some kind of buffet for the choosing just strikes me wrong. If the bible explicitly forbids homosexuality then it is wrong for the public school system to teach as a simple choice. By the way, what other religions condone homosexuality? Anyone going down that road has some serious questions to answer – maybe not any other person, but certainly to God. That should be respected.

  3. RE: The Bundy trial. Bundy is asking for tapes from a camera they lied about. I’m sure the FIBs will find it at the same place the front door from Waco is stored. I can’t figure out why confidence in our three lettered masters are at an all time low.

  4. No the government didn’t mock anyone . Those are Bundys words , and the government didn’t lie. I’ve read all the motions . This is a delaying tactic . The Bundys have described this as the ” Trial of the century” but of course they have also said they had to reset dislocated shoulders and pull their own teeth in jail. Anyone that wants to believe their press releases is certainly entitled to. Personally I like facts.

    Note the Bundy web site guy is a nut who calls all police “Blue ISIS ” believes the Las Vegas shooter was incapable of firing that many rounds due to his age and the Texas church shooting was not what ” what they want us to believe”

  5. EXCLUSIVE: Texas Massacre Hero, Stephen Willeford, Describes Stopping Gunman | Louder With Crowder
    Published on Nov 6, 2017
    Duration – 37:50
    “An exclusive interview with Stephen Willeford, the hero who ended the killing spree in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Stephen recounts the actions that lead him to confronting Devin Patrick Kelley outside First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs.”

  6. Hugh, just some information on the changes implemented at the Big Reno Gun Show. All of these changes are new this show, post Las Vegas and Texas mass shootings.

    BEWARE OF THE GSR SHOW THIS WEEKEND 10, 11 AND 12, 2017. The Big Reno Show at the GSR will not allow you to bring any gun on to their property. They are turning you around at the door if you do. Yes, you read this correctly, the GSR will not allow you to bring any firearms of any type on their property. The have signs posted as you enter the casino. They have security guards posted at the doors checking your bags as you enter, also they are wanding everyone who enters the show. You cannot bring anything to sell, trade or repair. The vendors are all pissed, some didnt even show. There are empty tables, when there shouldn’t be. If you buy more than one gun, they make you leave out the back of building. You cannot have both ammo and a gun at the same time. They make you take it to your vehicle in two trips. If you buy more than 50 rounds they will escort you to you car so you can drop it off before you will be allowed to re-enter, if you buy more than 1000 rounds, they make you go to the loading dock to pick it up. You can’t take a gun out through the casino like years past. They are searching bags as you leave also. There are four Deputy Sheriff’s in addition to the regular Security. Vendors that are selling at the show can’t have any guns in their rooms. Be careful here. There are some nice vendors getting screwed by the GSR. There are still some deals to be had, but because of the idiot in Vegas, they are in stupid mode at the GSR. I will not be a vendor again.

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