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  1. A few comments. Harvey is all the more reason for doing your own research and trusting your own gut over the “officials.” Do the officials say it’s ok to build/live in a flood zone? Find out for yourself where the flood zone is, and don’t live there. There is a reason Jesus talks about the wise man building his house on a rock (hill).

    Our great grandparents survived because they used their heads to assess the situation for themselves and decide if they wanted to participate in whatever it was. They did this because they were not shielded from the natural consequences of their actions. I have mentioned to a couple friends this week about personal responsibility in relation to where we choose to live. They have criticized me for being callus. It’s a sad day in America.

    One of those friends proposed we pass laws demanding mandatory evacuations. I made it clear that mandatory evacuations are a violation of the fourth amendment. And just because someone else can’t handle the freedom, doesn’t mean everyone can’t handle it, and thus, my freedom shouldn’t be removed because someone else can’t keep themselves out of the water.

    It is said that great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. I have been trying to have a great mind in this case, and think of ideas. Ideas are good things, because it can make your more prosperous or have less work. A friend suggested that the drones that are usually used to drop bombs could be used to drop rafts.

    I am a huge fan of the Cajun navy. Those people are resourceful. Last year, there was a woman driving from California to Florida, who go caught in the flood waters in Louisiana. She had heard how racist southern people are. When she got caught, she feared what would happen to her. She said some white boys in a funny looking boat flew up there with this big black pot in the front of their boat. They had bowls and forks, and they scooped up this rice stuff and fed everyone, even the black folks. And they fed me too. I guess she’d never experienced southern hospitality. Haha.

  2. Seizing evidence from an unconscious man, without his consent or a warrant, who was the victim of the accident. That sounds like assault and official oppression. If the man was under the influence a first year law student could get that thrown out. Arresting a nurse, cuffing and stuffing her into a police car because she wouldn’t adh ear to your illegal orders, assault and battery, official oppression, and abuse of authority. Let’s add slavery too as he thinks this nurse is his slave to do with as he see fit. Oh, interfering with patients care and since he assumed the victim was under the influence without any evidence, add practicing medicine without a license. I pity the taxpayers for this town or city.

    1. You can hear this officer remarking that, in his side job on an ambulance, he would be sure less desirable patients would be preferentially delivered to this hospital, and nicer patients elsewhere. Sounds as if (a) he holds some level of state medic license, and (b) the state EMT licensing authority might want to contemplate this behavior by one of it’s licensees.

  3. Eden was ruined and therefore closed off a long time ago. Those who picture mankind being able to overcome sin nature and live in harmony are fools who must ignore blatant reality. The plans to colonize Mars is a prime example of such foolishness and I wager that it will take less than a year before they have their first homicide.

  4. Basically, the cop was ordering the nurse to commit a crime. If that isn’t illegal, it should be. The woman was physically and psychologically abused and deserves a million or more nice green apologies.

  5. If anyone needs more proof than this latest cop escapade, that we are living in a police state, they are blind AND stupid. I believe we could do without cops altogether, they are nothing now but extra-legal nazis roaming the streets, looking for soft citizens to roust and abuse. The cop that did this deserves to be horse whipped.

  6. Commenting on the oil pipeline article:
    I just have to say that Steve Quayle, who believes that the hurricane was “geoengineered”, believes that the pipeline and refinery were “targeted” because they supply fuel to the conservative south. He also said it would be months before it was repaired.
    Just an example of going overboard with the “alternative” mindset. Thank you for your articles which are based in reality, for those of us who do not subscribe to such nonsense.

  7. I hope no one equates the actions of the SLC police officer to all law-enforcement officers. Certainly there are bad police officers, but in what group are there no bad people?
    Law Enforcement is in place to help and protect American citizens. LEOs are the good guys.

    1. @Mr Gray

      I don’t think anyone equates the actions to every officer, but like the school system, there appears to be a greater proportion of bad officers than there were before. Perhaps they are just operating with more impunity. In any case, the number of abusive incidents is certainly on the rise. As another commenter noted, we are definitely moving in the direction of a “police state.”

    2. @ Mr Gray

      Yes, not every police officer is bad. But bad behavior is becoming more acceptable within law-enforcement. In this incident, it wasn’t just this one officer who acted poorly, every other officer that was there, did too. Not one of them spoke up and stopped what was happening. That’s just horrendous for an organization that is based off of knowing the laws of our country and for an organization that is supposed to “serve & protect.”

      1. Interesting. I noticed that our local police used to have the phrase “To serve & protect” prominently displayed on their cars. It’s been missing the last few years. They no longer advertise that.

  8. Just commenting on the blood draw fiasco….here in Montana if you have a Montana drivers license, you have given implied consent for either a breath test or blood test. If you are unconscious and suspected of impaired driving, law enforcement can lawfully seize blood. I realize this was not the case in this incident, but just wanted to put that information out there. That’s why they can suspend your drivers license if you refuse testing. Once again, not attempting to justify his actions on this in any way, just providing info

  9. By the way, I have a large decal on my patrol vehicle that says “In God we trust”. A lot of us still faithfully serve an ungrateful public everyday.

    1. Folks on the internet seem to have trouble finding the words some, many, etc on their keyboards these days. The SLPD incident sounds traffic enforcement related and in this retired LEO mind traffic enforcement has done more damage to our community relations than any other aspect of the job. Good time to be retired…keep the faith brother.

  10. One of the rights you give up to hold a commercial drivers license… they require a driver involved in an accident to be tested for drugs and alcohol, so the officer might have been in the right to want the sample,as he said “for his protection”! (I don’t know how long a sample can be taken and still be viable) the guy could be out of a job through no fault of his own!
    The fact that he was another law enforcement officer may have also played into it. (not sure of his towns policy)
    The officer could have phoned in for the warrant nurse wanted, or, as he was qualified as an emergency plebotomist… taken it himself.
    Instead, he responded to her ‘disrespect for his authority’ with anger and force!
    This attitude is too often seen among younger poorly trained police officers these days, and results in the current opinion of many that the police are the enemy!

    What happened to the term ‘peace officer’ all you hear anymore is LEO? (imho, this adds to the problem) the

  11. About 30 years ago, I was a deputy in Wisconsin and pulled many a drunk driver over. But with the way our laws were written, as a holder of a driver license it was law that a blood test was taken if non compliance with a breath-analyzer. And if non compliance with blood draw, then automatic DUI by a judge the following work day. (In our state we called in OWI-operating while intoxicated ). But it is not necessary to rough up a nurse, for obstruction in lack of doing her job. There are alternatives I am sure. (I am now a nurse myself now-better work environment, etc…). The officer handled the situation poorly.

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