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  1. The next time I go through the airport checkpoint I’ll have a hardback copy of “1984” hollowed out with a pocket Constitution hidden inside. Their reaction would make a priceless Youtube video!

  2. While I’m at a loss figuring how a dangerous item can be concealed in a book and also from the x ray scanner, I seriously doubt any DHS employee cares what the 2,327th passenger he checked that week reads.
    I’m guessing they’re looking for concealed money.

  3. Good video of the Muslims in Italy. The fact remains, they are winning the battle of the crib. Mohammed is the most popular baby name in Holland. They are also very devout.
    Americans and the West don’t stand a chance.

  4. An antifa self defense training gym, really!? These tender mountain flowers couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper sack (might tear a nail or something). That’s why they have Soros’ summer camp trained thugs on hand at all their riots.

    1. Speaking of enemies of the State. Soros, his son, and all associated with him and his “foundations”, should be rounded up and sent to Gitmo!

      1. Gitmo isn’t large enough for all the Islamic terrorists adding alpha leftists would certainly overwhelm it. Only a serious change in first contact strategy will cure the issue (with both).

  5. I’m not disputing the Monfalcone video but we didn’t see any scene like the one depicted. We were in Italy for two weeks last fall. Maybe things have changed but traveling by public transport Rome to Florence to Venice then by rent car to the Dolomites went smoothly. I was apprehensive about my wife’s idea of taking this trip and therefore brought a cane in case things got weird. I left it behind at the first Airbnb.

    A layover in London was a lousy plan though. The Airbnb we used on short notice was in a neighborhood featuring by my estimation zero native English. I didn’t leave anything in London and won’t be back.

  6. They are trying to justify their jobs in any way they can. We the people need to not bow down to their will because once we let them have any power over us it will not be pretty.

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