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  1. Yesterday’s shooting unfortunately crossed a new line, putting this nation closer to civil war. It is a misperception that the left wants to eliminate guns. To be sure there are some who wish to do so. However, the hard core leftist only want them confiscated from their enemies so there will be less resistance. Case in point Venezuela, who has some the most severe gun laws. Now the government is arming politically aligned citizens to enforce the collapsing socialist state.

  2. I have been saying for a long time, the Left in America is aligned with death. They support abortion on demand, euthanasia, legalizing dangerous drugs, putting violent criminals back out on our streets, the murder of police, legalizing perversions (leading to early death), death panels in health care. They advocate political systems that are responsible for mass murder, advocating violence and death to Trump, violence and death to Trump voters, Republicans, Christians, and Conservatives and now they want to murder those least able to protect themselves, those who are mentally ill and those with dementia (in Oregon). The Left has succeeded in allowing evil to flourish so much, (and the Church in America has been infiltrated by the Left) that God’s hand is being withdrawn from the country, if it hasn’t left already. If you are a moderate Democrat – shame on you for staying in that evil party! And if you’re a RINO and have supported the Left in their evil plans, then shame on you, too. With the attack on Republicans in Alexandria, VA, Democrats should be so publicly shamed they all want to crawl into a hole. But instead, they own our airwaves and spew lies and hate 24/7. They justify their beliefs with a ferocity like the Taliban and ISIS. They have debased our cultural life, our civic life and to a large degree, our religious life for those unable to discern truth. God help us.

  3. Kathy Griffin, Nancy Pelosi, ANY ONE who has uttered or written statements (posting comments on internet web sites)of physical violence is just as GUILTY of the crime as the shooter.

    This nation has become a cesspool of mindless, blithering idiots spewing out venom against any one who seeks to uphold the moral righteousness of 1776 America.

    When the media (journalists, editors, and news station owners) CHOOSE to promote and publicize these depictions of violence (Facebook); they become complicit in the actual physical crime.

    Let everyone examine their own self: what you sow, you Shall reap. It may not come today, nor tomorrow; but as you promote these attacks of violence (Media owners: This is for you); it will surely come to pass in your life, one way or the other. God is not mocked.

  4. They call the right Nazis, but the Nazis at least did a quick death by poison or aphyxiation instead of Dehydration like Terri Schiavo. I would note we hung the Guards at Auschwitz who ran the starvation bunkers, but the Pinnelas County Deputies that watched Terri die her slow and horrible death are probably lauded since they are “law enforcement”.

    At least it will fix the demographic time-bomb of Social security (including disability) and Medicare.

  5. Tinfoilhatblackhelicopterconspiracytheorist that I am, I can’t help but think that the next level up in the Invisible Government is clandestinely promoting Second Amendment rights while actually working to make more guns available to more people, arming as many of the masses as possible to make their civil war more efficient and their institution of chaos and the New World Order easier. Naw…thats a bad X-Files script…..

  6. Do all of these Congress members live in “Conditon White”? Instead of one marksmanship challenged Bernie Sanders Socialist, think if three moderately trained, dedicated Jihadi’s carried out this attack. Poor judgement on all of there behalf for gathering 2 dozen in one unsecure place. America and the world has changed.

  7. In regard to the mention of Venezuela arming loyalists, I am reminded about the Obama administration purchasing millions upon millions of rounds of ammunition and tons of fully automatic weapons that were not going to the military, nor fully explained to the American people.

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