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  1. Thank you for all the hard work you put in on this site. Enjoy the new lay out for reading which now lets one make a comment. The photos are a nice enhancement to the site.

  2. Concerning the Social Unrest,

    It is disturbing to watch that video put out by the antifa ( forgive me if I don’t capitalize their name )
    The hypocrisy is almost too much to take. Dressed up in their little costumes and Halloween masks. Is the average American who watches this video supposed to come away with the notion that these people are resisting evil? Because as a person who exercises critical thinking. All I see is the far left extremists pointing fingers at the far right extremists. It’s classic pot meet kettle.

  3. Concerning the flint Michigan piece,

    A quick Trulia search of homes for sale in Flint shows the obvious problem in glaring reality. Where else can you pick up a 5 bedroom 3 bathroom 2100 sq ft house for $14,500? Might as well buy two!

  4. Great new layout on the website!. Concerning civil unrest: I think way too much time has been spent focusing on the antifa movement. We’re ignoring the major players and focusing too much on the childish lackeys being paid to protest.
    I just hope and pray some “right-wing” group doesn’t take the bait and start shooting. That’s just what Soros and his ilk want.

  5. As someone who lives in the same media area as Flint, it is heartbreaking to watch the daily news stories concerning the challenges facing the residents of that city. I cannot wrap my head around them having to use bottled water for Bathing, cooking, drinking, etc for now three years! That is not the America I am proud to be a part of.

  6. Sorry, but you should read something about Islam. In Islam, violence and aggressive behavior IS religious dogma. You need not only sense of responsibility, you need also information and understanding. For example, in Quran there is clear order: “Kill unbelievers wherever you find them”. Kill and rape unbelievers is considered not only acceptable, but downright ordered in Islam. Also Muhammad, as example of “perfect Muslim”, raped and killed many people. There is even provision to continue violence against converts to Islam. Every woman belongs to someone in Muslim culture child to parents, wife to husband, unaccompanied woman is considered free to take, especially if she has uncovered hair. Slavery is legal and widely practiced in Muslim countries, if Sharia Law comes to USA (it was tried already, so far refused) slavery will be back.

  7. First time responder here, although I’ve been reading the blog for years. Re: antifa, they are indoctrinated, violent sociopaths​. Lenin called their type useful idiots. The handlers are the ones who need “handling”. Notice in the John Brown Gun Club video circulating the web that there is a trainer and SBRs as well as surpressed weapons. Who did the tax stamp? When?
    As to the feminazi beaten and raped in Turkey, as a true believer she will never change her mind. To do so would involve completely destroying her belief system and rebuilding it from the ground up. Very few people are capable of this.
    The poor residents of Flint Michigan, stuck on the front lines of a war they were unaware of. As a good percentage of my fellow readers are aware of, war has been declared on American, by a certain powerful segment of our own countrymen. Tough reality to face, impossible for some.
    The new look is great!

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