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Fellow Redoubters might be interested to know about The 4th Annual NW Preparedness Expo on May 6th in Prosser, WA.
Looks to be a great event with a full schedule of speakers including John Jacob Schmidt from Radio Free Redoubt.AmRRON, Patrice Lewis of Rural-Revolution and more, plus many top quality vendors. There are also hands on classes which include a suture classe with Dr. David Pruett of AMP-3, SHTF Intelligence course with Sam Culper and a women’s hand gun class with Kaery Dudenhofer of Kaery Concealed.
All will of course not leave country, or should. But putting all of our hopes here are shockingly unrealistic in my opinion. How will the redoubt defend against real military unrestrained by any morals? Such as the Chinese or Russians if provoked sufficiently. God is our shield yes, and in Him we will rely, but no discussion of any sort of an out of country back up or primary plan is foolishness in my humble opinion. Your brother in Christ.
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Fellow Redoubters might be interested to know about The 4th Annual NW Preparedness Expo on May 6th in Prosser, WA.
Looks to be a great event with a full schedule of speakers including John Jacob Schmidt from Radio Free Redoubt.AmRRON, Patrice Lewis of Rural-Revolution and more, plus many top quality vendors. There are also hands on classes which include a suture classe with Dr. David Pruett of AMP-3, SHTF Intelligence course with Sam Culper and a women’s hand gun class with Kaery Dudenhofer of Kaery Concealed.
All will of course not leave country, or should. But putting all of our hopes here are shockingly unrealistic in my opinion. How will the redoubt defend against real military unrestrained by any morals? Such as the Chinese or Russians if provoked sufficiently. God is our shield yes, and in Him we will rely, but no discussion of any sort of an out of country back up or primary plan is foolishness in my humble opinion. Your brother in Christ.