Notes for Wednesday – August 17, 2016

While salmon fishing near the Klondike River in Canada’s Yukon Territory on August 17th, 1896, George Carmack reportedly spotted nuggets of gold in a creek bed. His lucky discovery sparked the last great gold rush in the American West. His two companions later agreed that Skookum, Jim–Carmack’s brother-in-law, actually made the discovery. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 66 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly $12,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Tactical Self-Contained 2-Series Solar Power Generator system from Always Empowered. This compact starter power system is packaged in …

Urban Trash: Why and How to Minimize Your Garbage- Part 2, by K.S.

3. Compost/Animal Food Technically you could differentiate between these two, as some items that you can compost you shouldn’t feed to certain animals. So scrounge two plastic buckets of a size you’ll actually use, carry, and empty, and make sure they have well-sealing lids since you’ll probably keep these in the kitchen. Then, label one Compost and the other Chicken Food (or whatever). Keep them under the sink or somewhere where you’ll actually use them. I’ve heard that compost “rules” have changed and you might be able to compost meat and dairy products now. I probably wouldn’t feed old meat …

Letter Re: Two Things Old-Timers Knew, That You Must Know About Wound Care

There are two things old timers knew that you must know about wound care, if the patient is outside. The wounds of a person or animal all will be affected greatly be these two things. If you are not able to see a doctor or get to an air-conditioned facility, such as a hospital, these two things could save your life. You need to know them. Two days ago my daughter was riding her beloved pony and our cows were a bit scared by the dog who was faithfully looking out for our daughter. She usually doesn’t ride near the …

Economics and Investing:

U.S. ‘Debt Held by Public’ Tops $14,000,000,000,000; Up 122% Under Obama – B.B. o o o Retirees Need $130,000 Just to Cover Health Care, Study Finds o o o Price Controls Are Disastrous for Venezuela, and Everywhere Else o o o Central Banks Are Now On The Cusp Of Losing Control o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Over a Thousand Motorists Stranded by the Flood: Are You Prepped for Something Like This? How long could you survive? – H.L. o o o Ron Paul: Election 2016 – Liberty Loses No Matter Who Wins o o o Brotherhood-linked leader tells Muslims to change Sioux Falls, convert non-Muslims (VIDEO) – B.B. o o o U.N. Peacekeepers, U.S. Embassy Stand Down As American Aid Workers Beaten, Raped In Sudan – C.L. o o o Clinton Wants Politicians to Fight American Gun Owners, aka the Gun Lobby “The only gun lobby is the millions of voluntary citizen members of the National …