Odds ‘n Sods:

Remote Utah Enclave Becomes New Battleground Over Reach of U.S. Control.

Many readers will recall the Four Corners region as one of the main locales of JWR’s second novel, Survivors.

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7-Eleven customer shoots man who attacked store clerk – Sent in by D.S.

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Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large, sent in this pair:

Rebel improvised APC (Not in English, but the picture says it all!)

Video: Be careful opening doors and don’t push any buttons.

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Wyoming man’s EPA fines are now approaching $16 millionin his continuing battle over the right to have a pond on his property. SurvivalBlog notes that the state gave permission to build the pond. Just another example of out-of-control bureaucracy. – J.C.

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Video: Massive tax fraud by illegals – P.S.