Letter Re: Stoping an Antibiotic Course of Treatment

Jim and Hugh, The adverse effect of tithing or stopping an antibiotic course of treatment early can be dangerous. The subjective symptoms of decreases in fever, inflammation, or discomfort, or other negative consequence “feelings” of infection is only an indication that the bacteria is in a die off, but the strain of bacteria may not have been completely eradicated. Discontinuing the antibiotic prematurely can cause a supergrowth once stopped in some cases and a bacterial resistance to that antibiotic is developed, so that any subsequent usage of that antibiotic may not work any longer on that bacteria. This is one …

News From The American Redoubt:

Idaho man finds rare giant earthworm species. – RBS o o o Dead whistle pig tests positive for the plague. – RBS o o o I’m kind of scratching my head over this job posting: Sales Associate – Full Time – RadioShack. o o o It’s Memorial Day And More Oregon Gun Bills are on the Horizon… o o o A well-known member of the gun community has passed away. Mike Buckner, formerly of Vale, Oregon and most recently French Glen, Oregon, passed away at a hospital in Bend, Oregon following a surgical procedure associated with his descending aorta and …

Economics and Investing:

HSBC fears world recession with no lifeboats left. – G.G. o o o Are you looking to earn low wages? A college degree might be your ticket. College earning power dwindles over the last 15 years. o o o The world is drowning in debt, warns Goldman Sachs. G.P. o o o Having burned close to $30 trillion worldwide since 2008, banks and tax collectors are now keen to burn paper money for good.

Odds ‘n Sods:

E-Bracelets for Pilgrims: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia o o o Google Patents Creepy New Toys That Spy on Your Kids, Control Smart Devices in Your Home Also, the SMART TV’s and certain NEW computers have spying capability, hence we will keep our eight year old TV and OLD computer. Children are better off with old fashioned or SCIENTIFIC toys in any event! Give them cardboard boxes and crayons and let them create! I had a grand time with the cardboard Quaker Oats box, cut in half like a cradle, lining it with cloth, covering the outside with old wallpaper and …

Scot’s Product Review: JRH Enterprises Armor, Helmet and Carrier

DKX Max III Body Armor I like having body armor. I first bought some to wear while covering civil disturbances, but I was always happy to have it around in case of trouble around my home. My early stuff was soft armor that could be worn concealed and was intended to stop handgun rounds. Choosing body armor is a great conundrum, however. You have to consider the threat you might face and how much weight and bulk you can carry as well as how it affects your mobility. We will be looking at armor here that can protect you from …

Pat Cascio’s Review: Ruger’s LC9s Pistol

Many years ago, around the 1990-1993 timeframe, I worked full-time for Col. Rex Applegate, and it was at the good Colonel’s insistence that I become a gun writer. When Applegate said to do something, you did it! I wasn’t about to argue with Applegate, and he opened a lot of doors for me, making it easier to enter the writing field. It was a loss to us all when he passed away unexpectedly. For those who may not know some of the history on Col. Applegate, I’ll pass a little bit along to you. Applegate was one of the founding …

Recipe of the Week: Campfire Hash Casserole

The few dry and canned ingredients make this great camp/survival food! It can be “doctored” up with various spices and meats. We buy the multi-packs of freeze-dried hash brown potatoes in waxed boxes from Costco at very reasonable prices or in packages through vendors online, and find them so very convenient for use at home regularly as well as when out hunting, camping, or any other time. They, of course, are great for storing for future preparations as well. Ingredients: 3 Tbsp vegetable oil 2 boxes or packages of freeze-dried hash browns 1/4 cup of freeze-dried or dehydrated onion pieces …

Letter Re: How to Get Your Doctor to Help You in the Age of Obamacare

Hugh, I work for a large drug manufacturer and have spent 22 years as an analytical chemist testing and evaluating the stability of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Medicines, except liquids, should be stored in the freezer. Liquids should be stored in the refrigerator or as cool as possible. Store the non-liquid medicine in its bottle in a plastic bag with desiccant inside. The worst enemies of drug products and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are temperature and humidity. The higher the temperature and humidity the faster your medicine will deteriorate. The longest drug stability times are associated with freezer conditions and low …

Economics and Investing:

America’s Trailer Parks: The Residents May Be Poor But The Owners Are Getting Rich. – H.L. o o o Why Most Gold Bugs Are Dead Wrong. – JBG o o o Congress needs a pay raise! $18T in op losses, $127T in unfunded liabilities, Losing $2.4B per day o o o Fed and CPI missing housing inflation yet again: The CPI is completely missing the increase in housing prices.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Podcast: Sustainable Farming 2.0. – A.T. o o o U.S. military and civilians are increasingly divided. – G.P. o o o Bomb-proof WALLPAPER could save lives with Kevlar fibres that stops debris. – JBG o o o “You Woke up Stupid This Morning?” Armed Man Stops Would-Be Carjacker. – H.L. o o o While perusing one of my favorite video bloggers, I noticed that he posted a slow motion video of Bees in flight. Every once in a while, in our busy prepping lives, it’s good to stop and take notice of the beauty of God’s creation around us. I …

Notes for Sunday – May 24, 2015

On May 24th, 1775, John Hancock was elected president of the Second Continental Congress. He is best known for his large signature on the Declaration of Independance, in which he jested that the British could read it without spectacles. He was serving in this position when the declaration was adopted and as such was the first signatory to it. o o o On July 3-5, 2015, the community of Marble in northeastern Washington, will be hosting the “God and Country” celebration featuring John Jacob Schmidt (of Radio Free Redoubt) and Rep. Matt Shea as speakers. Find out more about this …

Street Combat – This Ain’t No Game! – Part 7 of 9, by Pat Cascio

Chapter Five I NEVER THOUGHT… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people on t.v. news programs crying and saying, “I never thought it could (or would) happen here.” Excuse me, is anyone out there? Violent crimes can and do happen, right where you never thought they would or could happen. You must be prepared for the unexpected. If you’re prepared for the unexpected, then it won’t be unexpected. One of my students (a mother) objected to the fact that I was teaching gun and knife disarm techniques to her three children. Her children between six and eleven …