Notes for Tuesday – July 07, 2015

July 7th, 1907 was the birthday of Robert A. Heinlein. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 59 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical is providing a 5.56 NATO QD Billet …

Inexpensive and Simple Mono- or Multi-Band HF Ham Radio Antennas, by PrepperDoc

One of the distinguishing features of traditional Ham radio, particularly shortwave (high frequency or “HF”) Ham radio, was that you generally had to literally make your own antenna. You could purchase transmitters, receivers, transceivers, microphones, and even Morse code keys, but you likely had fabricated at least one wire antenna. In the event of a national disaster, many people may wish to have effective HF communications for medium- or long-range communications, and they may be faced with the need to construct an antenna. Other forward-thinking preppers may wish to gain Ham radio licenses and experience in HF communications and need …

Letter Re: Churches and 501(c)3 Status

Dear Editor, I appreciated DF’s letter on IRS 501(c)3 status and forwarded an edited version of it to my church leaders and friends. This morning, I was doing further research and discovered IRS publication 4220 titled “Applying for 501(c)3 Tax-Exempt Status.” On page 6 of that publication is the following paragraph: RELIGIOUS, The term church includes synagogues, temples, mosques, and similar types of organizations. Although the IRC excludes these organizations from the requirement to file an application for exemption, many churches voluntarily file applications for exemption. Such recognition by the IRS assures church leaders, members, and contributors that the church …

News From The American Redoubt:

Fellow Patriots and AmRRON Operators, As you know there are several wildfires in this part of the American Redoubt, with the possibility of dry lighting thunderstorms this week. Currently the Bayview fire is still uncontained, and they are calling for evacuations west and north of Farragut State Park and around Bayview. Clint Cord posted a Facebook page where folks can share information and updates and offer help. There is one patriot who has offered to pick up and board horses for those evacuees who have animals. AmRRON Operators, be prepared to monitor for news and updates and render communications assistance …

Economics and Investing:

“Greece Is Coming To Your Neighborhood” Marc Faber Warns o o o 9.3 million Americans went through a foreclosure or short sale between 2006 and 2014: Home shopping in Compton California. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Greece Bailout Referendum: They Voted ‘No’. Now What? David Stockman- It Is NOT Priced-In, Stupid! Barack Obama Tells Another Whopper—–He Did Not Create 12.8 Million Jobs Sugar, Flour, Rice: Panicked Greeks Stock Up

Odds ‘n Sods:

This is an interesting series of short videos about Jack Hinson’s one man war. In Part 4, he talks about how the farm families suffered under occupation. – T.J. o o o Oregon Is First State to Charge Drivers for Each Mile They Drive. – B.B. o o o 6 DIY Projects to Protect Your Digital Privacy. – T.J. o o o Once it’s on the Internet, it’s permanent. How Bankruptcy Can Affect Social Media. – K.F.

Notes for Monday – July 06, 2015

July 6th is the 20th anniversary of the 1994 Storm King Mountain wildfire that took the lives of 14 firefighters. Weather changes, resulting in 45 mph wind gusts, caused a modest wildfire to erupt into a blazing inferno, which threatened homes in and around the town of Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Firefighters from around the country were called to assist in fighting this wildfire. We will never forget the young men and women who lost their lives battling this fire: Prineville (Oregon) Hotshots: Kathi Beck, Tamera Bickett, Scott Blecha, Levi Brinkley, Douglas Dunbar, Terri Hagen, Bonnie Holtby, Rob Johnson, Jon Kelso …

Scot’s Product Review: Alien Gear Holsters

I am kind of crazy about holsters for some reason and love to study and experiment with different ones. Someone recently mentioned Alien Gear Holsters to me, and when I checked out their web site I was very surprised at their prices, which start at $29.88. They even have a special where your get two holsters starting at $49.88. I am used to spending quite a bit more for holsters, expecting a Kydex one to cost $75 or more. Leather costs even more. My all-time favorite leather concealment holster, the Sparks Versa Max 2 I reviewed a while back, goes …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review – Wellco USGI Boots

I’m very particular when it comes to footwear. I’m not one to go to one of the big box stores and buy a cheap pair of shoes or boots. I wear hikers on a daily basis, and I demand waterproof hikers because we get a lot of rain in Oregon, and I’m out in the rain, sunshine or snow, when I do some shooting or hunting. By “waterproof” footwear, I mean with a waterproof lining, like Gore-Tex, not a spray-on sort of thing that some companies are attempting to pass off as “waterproofing”. That stuff doesn’t last, and it simply …

Recipe of the Week: Mrs. Smith’s Buckwheat Cake

Ingredients 2 c. buckwheat flour 1 c. white flour ½ – 1 tsp. salt ¼ yeast cake (about 2¼ tsp. of modern, bottled yeast powder) 6 Tbsp. corn syrup (or use molasses) water to make batter Directions Mix all ingredients, and let stand overnight at room temperature. If necessary, add more water and salt before cooking to create a fairly thin batter. Traditionally cooked on cast iron griddle that has been lightly greased with bacon fat. Cook on first side until holes stay open and the gloss is off. Then, flip and cook until the steam abates. o o o …

Independence Day

Dear Editor, I noticed something creepy this year about Independence Day coverage, besides the constant fear mongering. The term “Independence Day” was hardly used. It was replaced with “July 4th” or “4th of July”. Fox News had a running theme of veterans, where they were thanking veterans for our freedom, et cetera. NBC used a theme of veterans and immigrants, as in being proud to be American. This has nothing to do with Independence Day. Shouldn’t we be celebrating the breaking away from a monarchy? Really, it’s about a bunch of guys fed up with taxes. I can’t tell if …

Economics and Investing:

Greeks Using Bitcoins to Preserve Their Wealth – H.L. o o o EU warns of Armageddon if Greek voters reject terms – JBG o o o Greece’s Yanis Varoufakis prepares for economic siege as companies issue private currencies – JBG o o o The BIS Is Trying To Hide A Terrifying Nightmare That Is Going To Send The World Into A Full-Blown Panic – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Pound Sand, Your Honor! More Americans Want States to Ignore Federal Courts o o o SurvivalBlog reader T.P. sends in a warning about Apparently they are reporting fake racial violence stories attempting to agitate the issue. Beware anything that traces its source back to them! o o o Training, training, training!! In this video (from last year) a pawnshop in Springdale, Arkansas is robbed at gunpoint by two men. Watch the bad guy in the red hoodie after the store owner shoots his partner. He has already drawn his weapon and pointed it at the other store employee (presumably …