Letter Re: Building a Simple Multiband Antenna That Works, by The Consultant

Hello Hugh, At the risk of setting off a flood of letters by Hams expounding the “best antenna ever,” I would like to offer an alternative to the off center fed dipole described by The Consultant. That’s a great antenna but did not fit my property or needs. After much searching and simulation of various antenna designs, I settled on the delta loop antenna. My delta loop works with low SWR (with tuner) on 80 through 6 meters, with the exception of 60 meters. It consists of 275 feet of THHN #12 gauge black insulated copper wire from the big …

Economics and Investing:

Inside Look At Silver Shortage With CEO Of US Mint’s Silver Eagle Blank Provider o o o When “Virtuous Debt” Turns Ferociously Vicious: The Mother Of All Corporate Margin Calls On Deck – A.L. o o o Education Debt Burdens Students, Economy; Elite Schools Lobby Against Proposal To Cap Graduate School Loans – PLC o o o Keep out Californians: How high home prices in California migrate into other states where Californians follow.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Read the Contract the Islamic State Group Is Forcing Christians to Sign in Syria – D.S. o o o Alert: Air traffic collision warning systems, locators, down off East Coast and 5 states until Oct. 1 – D.S. o o o NATO, Russia war games fuel risk of war, think tank warns – G.P. o o o Are mysterious shootings at cars in 6 states across America tied to Black Lives Matter? – G.L. o o o ‘Hillary’ replaces ‘Jesus’ in campaign rally song Among normal Americans, even if they are not Christian, replacing “Jesus” with “Hillary” rates at least …

Notes for Sunday – September 06, 2015

SurvivalBlog is seeking additional prize sponsors for our Writing Contest. The prizes are awarded once every two months, and each must have a minimum value of $200. The links provided with each contest entry are a great way to get publicity for your product or service. And for anyone who has been frustrated by our long waiting list for advertising space on SurvivalBlog, this is a way to get more immediate attention from the blog’s 300,000+ readers. Just e-mail us if you are interested in becoming a prize sponsor. Thanks! – JWR o o o Today, we present another entry …

The 20% Solution, by Redoubting Thomas

Get. Out. Now. Or as soon as reasonable. To the many who are reading this and working outside the Redoubt waiting on “something” before they sell their house and move, that is a mistake. This ongoing chronicle lists just one person’s challenges in moving. A Radical Proposal Even if much goes to hell (I’m not swearing but only using the proper word for an origin and destination), much won’t, and it will vary. Multiple nuclear bombs is a tiny possibility, like a major earthquake or volcano. It is also unlikely that it will happen suddenly. Most likely it will be …

Letter Re: Thoughts for Frozen Food Storage for SHTF

Hugh: I sure would like to hear what Prepperdoc has to say about the conclusions of G.D. on the resilience of the simple freezer in the event of an EMP. It would be nice to know brand name. I have looked at Sundanzer products (24vdc) but was not encouraged by reviews and troubled by the exposure to EMP. It is preferable not to wander in the wilderness. – R.V. Prepperdoc Responds: Great question, made me do even more study. My personal plan has included household freezers just as contributor G.D. is using. Are these susceptible to EMP / solar flares …

Economics and Investing:

Full-Time Work Is Harder to Find – G.G. o o o Downtown Austin vault of precious metals turns up mostly empty – A.C. o o o Have You Bothered to Tell Your Children That They Have No Future? – S.K. o o o If You Want To Know The Truth About The Unemployment Rate Read This Article – B.B. o o o Meet the evil twin of ‘quantitative easing’ – K.C.

Odds ‘n Sods:

‘Production Versus Plunder’ Part 23 – Western Civilization Forms o o o NY Times: Our Declining Friendships With Our Co-Workers: Bad For Us, Bad For Our Employers – PLC o o o Renewed calls for gun control laws spur sales – D.S. o o o Turn off Google listening to everything you say – D.S. o o o This Infographic Explains Current Recreational Drone Laws and Safety – G.P.

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him. But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us. For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done …

Notes for Saturday – September 05, 2015

On September 5, 1774, fed up with the meddling of the crown and being mostly independent-minded, our nation’s founding fathers met together in the First Continental Congress, in Philadelphia, laying the foundation of what would become the world’s greatest nation. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 60 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $10,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize …

Building a Simple Multiband Antenna That Works, by The Consultant

I consider the ability to communicate in a TEOTWAWKI scenario, and being able to obtain information outside the immediate area, critical. HF communication best fills this need. I had the radios but needed an antenna that would work on most amateur bands and others if needed. Having recently relocated to a more free state, I had all the real estate to put up whatever antenna I wanted. I wanted an antenna that fit into the space of a dipole, is relatively invisible, easy to build, and can be coax fed. The need to bury the cable ruled out a ladder …

Letter Re: Progressive Presses

Sir, I’m fairly new to prepping for TEOTWAWKI. I am currently attempting to secure as much ammo and OD green tactical clothing as my budget will allow. I am also a fan of your books; I am currently reading Founders. You mention many times in your books that ammo, silver/gold coins, and gasoline will become a kind of currency. That being said, do you recommend those who are properly trained buy progressive presses to make their own ammo? What caliber of pistol rounds would you feel will be more valuable after WTSHTF? HJL Responds: Most people get into reloading their …

Economics and Investing:

The “Dead-Cat-Bounce”: That Dead Cat Is Truly Dead; And That Bounce Is Truly Over… “Nihilo Ex Nihilo” – GJM o o o Record 94 Million Americans Not In The Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest Since 1977 – B.B. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Central Banks Can’t Save the Markets From a Crash. They Shouldn’t Even Try – The first section of this is pretty good, but after that it starts venturing off topic. Dow Dumps 600 Points From Last Friday’s Panic-Buying Ramp, Drops 10% Year-To-Date Chart Of The Day: Since 12/2007—— 1.5 Million More Waiters/Bartenders, 1.4 Million Fewer …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Anyone near Dallas/Fort Worth might have an interest in an event hosted by the Mises Instititue: Lew Rockwell, Tom Woods, Tom DiLorenzo, and Jeff Deist will discuss Against PC: Creating a Culture of Liberty. o o o FBI, DEA and others will now have to get a warrant to use stingrays – G.G. o o o For pilots: TCAS, ADS-B Unreliable in Southeast U.S. Beginning Sept. 2 – T.P. o o o Gov’t Accuses Company Of Discrimination Over Employees Having To Prove Citizenship Status – P.M. o o o ISIS smuggler: ‘We will use refugee crisis to infiltrate West’ – …