Letter Re: Survival: Are We Aware Enough?

Dear Survival Blog Editor, I’ve enjoyed reading Survival Blog daily for over two years and thank everyone for their efforts to share information about surviving these interesting times. I was very happy to see the article “Survival: Are We Aware Enough?“, as I have been waiting to see if someone would write on this theme. Thank you, S.S., for bringing this topic into the open. I have been “prepping” for almost 25 years, and from the very beginning I realized that how I am inside my heart and head is the most important survival tool… ever. In answer to SS’s …

News From The American Redoubt:

Idaho Sheriff: The 2nd Amendment Is Your Concealed Carry Permit – JBG o o o Property owner not pleased with Eagle’s plan to use eminent domain. – RBS o o o Chastened by president’s profane email, Idaho business lobby now looks inward. – T.K. o o o Oregon To Be First In Nation To Implement Per-Mile Road Tax Program. – RBS o o o Oregon sheriff: Decision to shoot pet pony was a mistake . – RBS

Economics and Investing:

Everyone Is Guessing When It Comes To Oil Prices o o o 7 Signs That A Stock Market Peak Is Happening Right Now o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: ECB Starts Buying German, Italian Government Bonds Under QE Plan American “Nightmare” Shocker: The Real US Homeownership Rate Has Never Been Lower Nearly At ‘Full Employment’? 10 Reasons Why The Unemployment Numbers Are A Massive Lie Venezuela to Install Finger Scanners in Supermarkets to Tackle Hoarding, Panic Buying Amid Shortages – Classic government solution to what is a government problem. The insanity never ends.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Vet Facing Life Sentence Found Not Guilty for Aiming Pistol at Cops Who Failed to Identify as Cops. – H.L. o o o FBI plans to expand Guardian system to include ‘Top Secret’ information, link up with ‘Sentinel’ system. – H.L. o o o SurvivalBlog reader J.K. wrote in to tell us: “For those needing the ultimate in protection for their BOV and have the funding, Brindlee Mountain has armored trucks for sale. None of them have seen combat and were used for securing nuclear facilities. Only four of the six are still available. They are built on a Ford …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“While complying can be an effective strategy for physical survival, it’s a lousy one for personal fulfillment. Living a satisfying life requires more than simply meeting the demands of those in control. Yet in our offices and our classrooms we have way too much compliance and way too little engagement. The former might get you through the day, but only the latter will get you through the night.” ? Daniel H. Pink

Survival: Are We Aware Enough?, by S.S.

There is a common theme in most of the dystopian, post-apocolyptic, zombie, killer virus, alien invasion novels that goes unnoticed by many reviewers and readers alike. Perusal of the vast survivalist and prepper websites out there shows few articles or references made to this theme. Yet, it remains the most fundamental aspect of survival– self-awareness. I mean that no matter how many gadgets, survival kits, food kits, and weapons you have, if you are not mindful of how you will react to fear, sadness, loneliness, and loss, your survival is threatened. Sam Sisavath has written a wonderfully entertaining book on …

Buck Knives Model 245 MWG, by Pat Cascio

You probably won’t find the new fixed blade Buck Model 245 MWG on the Buck® Knives Official Website list of their Hunting and Tactical Knives just yet, because it is so new; I received one of the first samples. Sure, a month or two ago, many websites released a press release– the same I received– on the Model 245 MWG Buck knife, but these sites do an injustice to the product and the reader, if you ask me, by simply posting a press release without actually testing the product. Everyone is probably familiar with the most famous Buck folding knife …

Recipe of the Week: Poor Man’s Casserole, by J.T.

I don’t measure when I cook. I never have. I “eye” it. It’s what makes dinner so great! This is a simple recipe I dubbed “Poor Man’s Casserole” one evening years ago. I hardly had anything left in the cupboards, and I was living paycheck to paycheck. Since then, I’m more prepared. Ingredients: 1 box of au gratin or scalloped potatoes mix milk/butter/water as indicated on potato mix box 1 can of your favorite vegetable, drained 1 roll of your favorite kielbasa or sausage (or whatever meat you have on hand, as this is poor man’s casserole) thyme, rosemary, oregano, …

Letter Re: EMP-Hardened Ham Radio Communications, by PrepperDoc

Being a prepper and a Ham I found the article “EMP-Hardened Ham Radio Communications” by PrepperDoc very interesting but also somewhat over my head with regard to tubes and the like, so I put it out to more experienced members of our ARC (amateur radio club) for comment. The response from one Ham is not a slam but rather additional information for the like-minded. “There was no mention of electrolytic caps and the frequent need to replace them when using older gear. Also, tube rigs are power hogs; where are you going to get the power? Alternate power sources (inverter …

Economics and Investing:

Shale Oil Production Will Fall 600,000 Barrels Per Day By June o o o The California renting tsunami: In the last ten years California has gained nearly 1 million renter households while seeing a decline in the homeownership rate. o o o Start preparing now, this economic collapse is inevitable and isn’t far. It might be worse than the Great Depression. o o o Lord Rothschild Warns Investors: Geopolitical Situation Most Dangerous Since WWII

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Leader of the Free World. – M.B. o o o “Top Secret” Turkey is No Secret o o o THE MOST IMPORTANT COM TOWER IN THE WORLD…..Meanwhile, Over At The “New York” Stock Exchange… Lasers. – RBS o o o Couple denied role as foster parents over permits to carry guns. – B.B. o o o Scotland Yard chief Hogan Howe calls for DIY surveillance to help police. – JBG

Notes for Sunday – March 08, 2015

March 8th is the birthday of Elmer Keith (born 1899, died February 12, 1984). o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 57 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical is providing a 5.56 …

Accommodations for the Dietary Requirements of Infants, by L.C.

Infants have specific nutritive needs that at the present moment may be met in two ways: breast milk and formula. In a collapse or post-collapse scenario, the supply of formula may dry up and no longer be an option. There are several strategies to cope with this as well as breastfeeding supplies that can easily be acquired now. I’m the mother of five kids under the age of six with the youngest being six weeks old, so for the past six years I’ve been pregnant, nursing, or both. I breastfed my first four exclusively, until we started solids between 6-7 …