Notes for Friday – December 25, 2015

To those who are celebrating the Advent of our Lord and Savior, the team at SurvivalBlog wishes you a peaceful and meaningful Christmas. For those who choose to celebrate our Lord through the biblical feasts, stay safe out there during this holiday season. Our prayer is that each and every one of you enjoy the family time and stay safe on the roads. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 62 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly $12,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Tactical Self-Contained 2-Series Solar Power Generator system …

The Grid Will Never Be Down in the Way You May Think! – Part 2, by X-liberal

Discrimination Imagine eating lunch inside your employer’s break room and reading lovely gestures on the bulletin board, such as “We are an equal opportunity employer. We don’t discriminate over race, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, etc.” The liberal leadership stands next to the bulletin board, illustrating to the world that they would never discriminate in hiring practices, no way, no how! Then these same enlightened liberals enact a diversity program whereby they hire solely based on one’s skin color, gender, or sexual orientation, thereby ignoring the law they just stood behind! That means these “chosen few” (in the diversity) have …

Letter Re: Water Works

Team, Yet another solution to hot water is to use a solar inverter of an appropriate size to provide 220v power to a regular old hot water heater. I can recommend the Outback Radian 8000W inverter and the Rheem Marathon water heater due to the water heater’s high efficiency and extra insulation. It uses between 3000w and 4500w of power depending on the model, and if you put it on a timer it only runs at night when everyone is asleep and not using the inverter otherwise. I have seen that inverter run our well pump, the hot water heater, …

Economics and Investing:

Russia Gold “Buying Spree” Continues; Buys 22 Tons In November o o o U.S. Exports More Gold To Hong Kong Than It Produces o o o Russia keeps pumping Could we see oil go below $30? – P.S. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: U.S. News 50 Examples of Government Waste (Waste Fraud and Abuse) This truly sums up the problems at hand! Article Excerpt: “Reducing wasteful spending is not easy. Even the most useless programs are passionately supported by the armies of recipients, administrators, and lobbyists that benefit from their existence. Identifying inefficiencies and abuses is much easier …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A recent article on Zero Hedge that has absolutely no media coverage that I can find. “Unstoppable” California Gas Leak Now Being Called Worst Catastrophe Since BP Spill – Sent in by M.C. o o o From the desk of Mike Williamson, Survivalblog Editor At Large – There’s always a way… Aluminum wall art for sale on Amazon. o o o An innovative old-tech solution to greenhouses: Fruit Walls: Urban Farming in the 1600s also, Reinventing the Greenhouse – Sent in by P.S. o o o SurvivalBlog reader sent in an enjoyable video clip of Santa and his reindeer from …