Notes for Saturday – December 13, 2014

Book Bomb Day is December 30, 2014: Tools for Survival: What You Need to Survive When You’re on Your Own Now available for pre-ordering at, but I’d prefer that you wait for December 30th to order: Tools for Survival: What You Need to Survive When You’re on Your Own. This book is a guide to the selection, use, and care of tools. It will also be available as an e-book and audiobook. -JWR o o o December 13th is the birthday of Sergeant Alvin York. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 56 of the SurvivalBlog …

Becoming a Top-Tier Survivalist and Representing the Prepper Community, by M.M. – Part 5

Continuing with the final portion of this article of six points that are presented and detailed that, if implemented in your own life, will greatly increase your chances of success, both in surviving TEOTWAWKI and in breaking the stereotype of the “kooky prepper.” 5. Have Faith in Christ While serving in Virginia Beach back in 2003, I went home for a three-day weekend to attend my former high school’s Monday track meet to watch some friends compete, and there I met a girl who I really liked. She was a Christian and I was not, although I thought I was …

Letter Re: Waterwise Distiller

Hugh and Jim, Regarding the recent post on drinking water without a filter from ‘The Daily Sheeple’: I am sure you are aware, but your readers may not be, but distilled water is not something you would want to consistently consume. It will rob your bones of minerals and you will break apart. o o o Hugh, You linked to the water distillation video on The Daily Sheeple that featured the Waterwise distiller. I purchased one of those distillers and subsequently sold it, as I was not satisfied with it for a number of reasons. The water produced had a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

GOP rep attempted late bid to kill spy bill – CDV o o o From the “You-just-can’t-make-this-stuff-up” department: FDIC insurance will soon cover swaps and derivatives. – CDV o o o DHS: 100 Million Americans Could Lose Power in Major Sun Storm. – P.M. o o o The Game Is Rigged: Why Americans Keep Losing To The Police State. – B.B. o o o So, you think you’re a real man? Video: Flintknapper and primitive skills educator, Mike Cook of creates and shaves with obsidian blades.. – K.T.