Notes for Wednesday – September 24, 2014

In 1493AD, Columbus set sail with 17 ships on his 2nd voyage to the Americas. Also on this date in 1775, Ethan Allen was captured by the British. o o o Yesterday, SurvivalBlog ran an article that had a list of Emergency Frequencies that might be important to know. At the time, we did not have a source for attribution and stated such. Thanks to our readers, the original link has been found at Graywolf Survival, and it contains much more useful information. Check out How to communicate when the world goes silent. o o o Today, we present another …

The Mindset and Experience of a Single Competent Female Prepper, by Skylar

For the majority of my adult life– 34 years– I have taught, lived, worked, and recreated in wilderness settings. I appreciated JMS’s call for articles from single female preppers, as it has been a frustration of mine for many years. My early years were spent trying to prove that women can be effective and competent in a survival setting without having to become “one of the guys” or Rambo-esque. It took me a couple of tries before I found an organization to work for that shared this view. I spent the next 10 years working for Outward Bound, and I …

Three Letters Re: Covert Communications

Dear Hugh: Regarding the captioned article posted 23 September 2014, I call your attention to the following quote, pulled from near the middle of the second paragraph: “These radios do have ‘Privacy Codes’, but anyone can switch around until they find the code you are on, as they all use the same codes and scanners will hear them, coded or not. Switching codes every hour or time you decide will help not being discovered by other FRS/GMRS radio users, but others will scan the codes. It may help but will get you found if others find which code channel you …

Economics and Investing:

The Ponzi Economy. – J.W. o o o Why Are The Ultra-Rich Rushing To Buy Gold o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: The Dow And S&P 500 Soar To Irrational Heights – Meanwhile The Ultra-Wealthy Rush To Buy Gold Bars Minimum-Wage Blowback; The De-Humanization Of Fast-Food Has Begun Billionaires Are Hoarding Piles of Cash – Disagree with the authors analysis but the facts of how much cash is being withheld is interesting

Odds ‘n Sods:

North has nuke missiles: source. – G.P. o o o LE squeals about more secure smartphones. – T.P. o o o America — poised for collapse. – B.B. o o o Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa — The First 9 Months of the Epidemic and Forward Projections. – H.D. o o o Willing Demons . – B.B.

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“Here are my questions to you: Why do people and organizations cough up billions of dollars to line political coffers? One might answer that these groups and individuals are simply extraordinarily civic-minded Americans who have a deep and abiding interest in encouraging elected officials to live up to their oath of office to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. Another possible answer is that the people who spend these billions of dollars on politicians just love participating in the political process. If you believe either of these explanations for coughing up billions for politicians, you’re probably a candidate for psychiatric …