Notes for Sunday – September 14, 2014

SurvivalBlog’s Backcountry Editor Mat Stein was recently interviewed about the solar flare threat: Beautiful Skies with Devastating Repercussions. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 54 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,100+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical …

Protecting Your Home, BOL, and Supplies from Pests, by JC

Pest control is an industry that touches almost every part of the average person’s life. From the food we eat to the items we buy, each step along the process chain is protected in some way by pest control services. So what will happen in an event or breakdown scenario? Will all those Pest Control Operators (PCO’s) unselfishly leave their families to report to work along with the truck drivers and grocery store clerks? The answer is “no”, of course not. That is why we prepare our supplies now. The coming dangers and breakdowns will effect so many aspects of …

Letter Re: Fishing for Survival

Good morning. I’m an avid Survival Blog reader. I live in bush Alaska and live a largely subsistence life. I read this article with interest and would like to make a couple of suggestions in regards to fishing for survival. In my part of the country, I can legally use a gill net for subsistence purposes. This can either be done as a set net and checked later, or as a drift net, or seine. They are very efficient. Next would be a fish trap. This is a simple device that can be submerged in the water. The fish swim …

Economics and Investing:

A derivatives implosion was the black swan that ignited the global crisis in 2008. With the amount of total global derivatives now over a staggering 1.25 quadrillion dollars, there is no question that Greyerz is correct when he predicts this will eventually collapse the current financial system. It’s just a question of when it will begin and what the next trigger will be. This Terrifying Black Swan To Collapse Global Financial System . – J.W. o o o America’s Poor, Deeper in Debt Than Ever o o o The Fed Has A Big Surprise Waiting For You. – J.W. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ebola is “devouring everything in its path.” Could it lead to Liberia’s collapse?. – J.E. o o o California deems carpooling via all ride-share services illegal. – T.P. o o o The utter failure of our political class to respond to mortal danger. – B.B. o o o America Under Cultural Dhimmitude. – D.S. o o o Plans to Turn ‘Politically Binding’ UN Climate Change Accord Into Federal Law. – T.P.