Two Letters Re: Two Thousand Miles Into the American Redoubt


Seeing that title I was very interested in reading the author’s take on the area. I’ve lived here six years and visited often before that. I like his suggestions of places to live. But, I hope he makes another trip in the dead of winter before he decides where to locate. Some of those places have extremely harsh winters, and some do not. Some roads are plowed regularly, and some are not. So, it is good to linger and get to talking with folks. Does the author have a good truck with a snow plow on the front? Is he prepared to chop 12+ cords of firewood per year? We have found that many families, after locating in the redoubt, have relocated within five years to a different home more to their liking. He’s on the right track, just make sure before signing on the dotted line! – J.D.

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I have been an avid reader for several years now. My wife and I had our awakening a few years ago after meeting what would become a lifer of a friend. We had a cozy little plot (1/2 acre) of land near the north coast of Oregon and had dreams of retiring there. When the realization hit us that our place was not defendable and did not have the resources to sustain us, we yanked ourselves out of the comfort zone and started looking.

We determined that the American Redoubt was the only choice of locations and started looking for work there. Our prayers were for the way to be paved. We just about got run over by the paving equipment! We are now more than a year relocated to a wonderful area within the Redoubt, have good work, and own 40+ acres with water, timber, pasture, and no restrictions on their use. In Oregon we had a year-round creek on the back of our property that we could not use for hydro, fishing, or irrigation. Our current location provides us with inherited water, timber, and mineral rights.

My point in writing today is to caution those looking for locations in eastern Washington and Oregon. I am familiar with several of the locations listed in the referenced article; they are still governed by areas west of the Cascades and by very statist mindsets. Until such time as the Redoubt could claim some sort of independent government, there will be watchful eyes on all but the most remote areas. We moved for the reasons listed above and to stop paying taxes to states that we felt did not well represent our views.

I know this is a balancing act for everyone; it’s too late to fix things and too early to fight them. We have found good community and good people all around us. Godspeed in each of your own efforts. – NWD