Notes from JWR:

It was sad to hear of the passing of ace fighter pilot Robbie Risner. For more than seven years, it was Risner who was both the senior ranking officer and the spiritual leader of the Americans imprisoned at the Hanoi Hilton. Due in large part to Risner’s leadership, the will of the American POW contingent was never broken. — October 30th is thought to be the birthday of President John Adams, in 1735. (Some sources cite his birth date as October 19, 1735.) — Today we present another entry for Round 49 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $8,500+ …

A Terrifying Awakening, by Mike C.

“My grandpa taught me how to live off the land, and his taught him to be a businessman.” Remember those words from “A Country Boy Can Survive” by Hank Williams, Jr.?  Those lines are the story of my life.  I was born just outside of San Francisco in 1963.  I was raised overseas and lived in Singapore, a nation where possession of guns by citizens was (and is) illegal.   The extent of my outdoor life was exploring what was left of the jungles around our home, and digging up WW2 relics (casings, helmets, hubcaps etc.)  I returned to the US …

Letter Re:Your Two Foot Bugout

The recent SurvivalBlog article titled “Your Two Foot Bugout” raises some interesting points. The author describes a plan to bugout on foot, using a baby stroller to carry essential gear. That’s reminiscent of the Pushcart Mormons who traveled from Iowa City to Salt Lake City in the mid 19th century. More than 250 of the immigrants died along the way, and any plan to evacuate the Phoenix area by foot would risk difficulty at least as severe. The author describes a plan to leave Phoenix by foot in order to avoid traffic gridlock. He plans to walk alongside a canal, …

Two Letters Re: The Blackout Docudrama

James, To respond to the recent letter about the fictional Blackout show:   I too was annoyed with the way they portrayed some of the people in the story but after thinking about it I am afraid that this is how a lot of the people will act.    The prepper is the story obviously had no idea what he was doing.  I think they portrayed an arm-chair prepper with more resources than street smarts spot on.  First of all letting his young son patrol the perimeter in the middle of the night while he is nice and cozy in bed …

Economics and Investing:

Tiberius Used Quantitative Easing To Solve The Financial Crisis Of 33 AD Detroit Pensioners Face Miserable 16 Cent On The Dollar Recovery Setting the Dollar up for a fall: In Fed and Out, Many Now Think Inflation Helps. (Thanks to John E. for the link.) Perpetual Assets Interviews James Wesley Rawles Items from The Economatrix: Gas Prices Slip Below $3 In Missouri Unemployment Falls But Hiring Slows Wal-Mart Moms Vent On Economy And ‘Disgusting’ Politics

Odds ‘n Sods:

The folks at Prepper Press wrote to mention that they’ve released a new book by author Tony Grice. It is titled Indivisible: With Justice for Some (Volume 1.) Coincidentally, that increases their generous writing contest prize package from 22 books to 23 books.    o o o G.G. suggested this article: ‘We’ve reached the end of antibiotics’: Top CDC expert declares that ‘miracle drugs’ that have saved millions are no match against ‘superbugs’ because people have overmedicated themselves    o o o Ender’s Game is scheduled for release on November 1st. I hope that Hollywood didn’t mess up a great …

Notes from JWR:

Today is the first anniversary Superstorm Sandy, which caused an estimated $50 Billion in damage and resultant lost productivity. I’m hopeful that Americans learned something about infrastructure fragility from that event, and have been stocking up, teaming up , and training up, accordingly. — This is the birthday of Vermont Garrison, a legendary fighter pilot who fought in three wars: WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. He was born in 1915 and died February 14, 1994, in Mountain Home, Idaho. — It is also the birthday of famed World War II cartoonist Bill Mauldin (Born 1921, died January 22, 2003.) Oh, and …

Using Auctions, Goodwill and Second Hand Stores to Stockpile Prepping Supplies at Bargain Prices, by Chris M.

I was unexpectedly laid off two years ago.  Although I eventually landed another position after months of searching, losing my job was perhaps the most humbling and painful experience I’ve been through in recent years.   Truth be told, I was also bitter.  The frustrations of hunting for a new job in a tough market, starting up a sideline family business and wondering where in the world my family of six will end up really began to take their toll.  I sorely needed a distraction and an excuse get out of the house! On a whim, I started going to auctions. …

Orange Jeep Dad’s House Fire Tragedy: How You Can Help

Many SurvivalBlog readers are familiar with the Orange Jeep Dad (OJD) blog. It is a great blog written by an X-ray technician prepper with a wife and six daughters. For more than two years, he’s been earnestly striving to live self-sufficiently. Two days ago, he posted about the tragedy of his house burning down. And today, he posted a follow-up. As I mentioned before, I doubt that his renter’s insurance will cover all of their losses, especially for things like storage food and ammo. In a recent e-mail, OJD mentioned these details: “For now, I for sure lost my Glock …

Letter Re: The Blackout Docudrama

Good Morning, Mr. Rawles: After watching part of last night’s Blackout Docudrama on National Geographic. I turned the television off in total disgust and went to bed.  What insidious propaganda!  I could not help but notice that the “prepper” father was a gun toting, autocratic bully who bossed everyone and refused to act humanely by sharing all his wealth with those less fortunate or less willing to be responsible for themselves?  How interesting. And of course, the compassionate one was the young and hip boyfriend of the prepper’s daughter.  He hadn’t prepared himself but he was more than happy to …

News From The American Redoubt:

I heard that Moscow Hide and Fur (in Moscow, Idaho), is still buying raw furs. I started doing business with them back in the early 1990s–back when they only had just a few employees and only three chest freezers to hold incoming furs.    o o o Arming teachers idea sparks recall effort. Note that this is transpiring in Sandpoint, Idaho, which is a resort town with a high percentage of neolocal statist yuppies from the Left Coast. So we can consider this anomalous for what is otherwise quite conservative north Idaho.    o o o B.B. sent: Number of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

While supplies last, APEX Gun Parts in Colorado is a having a $44 special on Polish surplus 26.5mm flare pistols. Note that these are inexpensive enough to consider using 2 or 3 of them around your retreat (post-TEOTWAWKI), as trip-wire actuated intrusion detection signal devices. Take note of the notch in the trigger, which makes them well-suited for rigging a trip wire. A mousetrap should provide sufficient force for the trigger pull. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Just use power screws to attach the flare gun and mouse trap to a scrap of 2×4, lag screw the contraption …