Notes from JWR:

The folks at Barnes & Noble kindly positioned my novel Founders on the front table at most of their stores. Please thank the staff of those stores for doing so, and consider giving them some business. Thanks. — This is the birthday of the late Charlton Heston–born John Charles Carter–on October 4, 1923. He died April 5, 2008. He was best known for his lead role as Ben-Hur and for his many science fiction movies in the 1970s. For what its worth, I still like the movie The Omega Man with Charlton Heston better than the re-make, I Am Legend, …

Health and Fitness for Preppers, by Jason M.

A lot of what is posted at the SurvivalBlog site talks about what you should do after a The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) situation happens. We are constantly forgetting the here and now. I believe that there is an awful lot that can be done today to help maximize your ability to survive if a TEOTWAWKI situation actually goes occur. If the end never does happen, then my suggestions don’t cost you a dime and still improve you and your family’s quality of life.  We all know what fire can do for morale, boiling water …

Letter Re: Feedback on Todd Savage’s Redoubt Retreat Evaluations

Dear Mr. Rawles, After several years of reading your books and web site, and watching things continue to deteriorate, my family and I decided to “vote with our feet” and relocate.  We tried Internet searches, but fortunately  found a reference to Todd Savage and his service on your web site.  We now know we were truly Blessed to have found him.  I cannot imagine trying to do this without him.   He more than exceeded all of our expectations. Here is what I posted: My family, after finally deciding on an area for our retreat, found a reference to Todd …

Economics and Investing:

Hyperinflation Has Arrived In Iran. Followed, not surprisingly, by riots in the streets. G.G. flagged this: Living Through a Currency Devaluation. JWR’s Comments: Norte Americanos are advised to learn from this preview of coming attractions. Zi sent: The Stock Market Is Heading For A Third Major Crash of The Century And Monetary Policy Is “USELESS” Under Current Bleak Conditions Reader Jim W. suggested this at Zero Hedge: The ECB – EUR22 Trillion Is Missing Items from The Economatrix: Hedge Funds Lagging:  Is “Enormous Unraveling” Near? Manufacturing Snaps Back:  Is It A Turning Point Or A False Positive? US Banks Hit …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader E.M. mentioned Congressman Allen West’s recent pro-gun speech, in which he recites some great quotations from our founding fathers and later statesmen.    o o o Hacking Survival: So, you want to compute post-apocalypse? (Derbycon 2012)    o o o Bosko spotted this: 14 Interesting Tidal Islands    o o o Tom B. mentioned a piece over at The Art of Manliness on clothing options for concealed carr.: The Stylish Man’s Guide to Concealed Carry

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"Let divines and philosophers, statesmen and patriots, unite their endeavors to renovate the age, by impressing the minds of men with the importance of educating their little boys and girls, of inculcating in the minds of youth the fear and love of the Deity…in short of leading them in the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system." – Samuel Adams, Letter to John Adams, October 4, 1790