Odds ‘n Sods:

Bryan E. recommended this for all the techies out there: Raspberry Pi

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O Kwame, Where Art Thou? Plan to Raze Detroit Empty Homes in Final Stages. FWIW, there is fine agricultural soil under all that urban blight. Perhaps someday Detroit will have a future as a farm town.

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Some good commentary over at Off Grid Survival: Anti-Gun Groups use Tragedy in Colorado to Push Gun Control Agendas. Of course, the statists won’t mention the fact that the movie theater chain banned concealed carry in their theaters. Once again, a mass murderer picked his playground of slaughter carefully–a place where he’d only find unarmed victims. If just one patron at the theater had a handgun, training, and guts, he could have stopped that psycho “Joker” long before he had the chance to shoot 70 people. The result could have been like the self-defense shooting at the cyber cafe just a few days ago in Ocala, Florida. But instead, there was tragedy. And undoubtedly the biased mass media will concentrate what happened in Colorado and ignore what happened in Florida.

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Reason #169 to move out of New York City.

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Reader C.D.V. found an interesting Russian news television segment showing a well-prepared Landbesitzer in Austria.