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Odds ‘n Sods:

Bryan E. recommended this for all the techies out there: Raspberry Pi [1]

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O Kwame, Where Art Thou? Plan to Raze Detroit Empty Homes in Final Stages [2]. FWIW, there is fine agricultural soil under all that urban blight. Perhaps someday Detroit will have a future as a farm town.

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Some good commentary over at Off Grid Survival: Anti-Gun Groups use Tragedy in Colorado to Push Gun Control Agendas [3]. Of course, the statists won’t mention the fact that the movie theater chain banned concealed carry in their theaters [4]. Once again, a mass murderer picked his playground of slaughter carefully–a place where he’d only find unarmed victims. If just one patron at the theater had a handgun, training, and guts, he could have stopped that psycho “Joker” long before he had the chance to shoot 70 people. The result could have been like the self-defense shooting at the cyber cafe just a few days ago in Ocala, Florida [5]. But instead, there was tragedy. And undoubtedly the biased mass media will concentrate what happened in Colorado and ignore what happened in Florida.

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Reason #169 to move out of New York City [6].

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Reader C.D.V. found an interesting Russian news television segment [7] showing a well-prepared Landbesitzer in Austria.