Letter Re: Economic Solution?

Mr. Rawles: You, and numerous other hard money advocates–like Ron Paul–spend a lot of time talking about the problems created by the Federal Reserve. You are right in calling it a private banking cartel–because, yep, that it exactly what it is. But what is the solution? Thanks, – Ralph in St. Louis JWR Replies: In essence the problem is our reliance on debt-based funny money. (Take the time to watch the Renaissance 2.0 video series. While I don’t agree with all of its creator’s conclusions, overall it is excellent.) My emphasis on hard goods (barterable tangibles) and hard money (Nickels …

Economics and Investing:

Whispering the dreaded “D” word: Federal Reserve Actively Preparing for the Possibility of U.S. Default. ( Thanks to N.B. for the link.) Columbus [Georgia] Forms Copper Theft Task Force. “Columbus Police say last year alone $2 million in copper was stolen throughout the city.” (Thanks to F.G. for the link.) F.J. sent a link to an interesting piece penned by Eric Fry: Investing Ahead of the Curve. Here is a quote: “In 1969, for example, the Argentine government trimmed two zeros off the existing Peso Moneda Nacional to create the new Peso Ley. In 1985, the government slashed four zeros …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mr. V. mentioned a site of interest in the Onionspace: A movement devoted to anonymity, resilient communities, and free markets. Mr. V. also mentioned: “There is a table of contents viewable from “vanilla” Internet space. For full access, you will need to get set up in Tor .onion-space, then you can access this board.” More eastern liberal know-nothing feel-goodism: Bullet Tax’ Proposed By Mayoral Candidate. Will someone please explain to Otis the difference between a “bullet” and a “cartridge”? Oh, and while you are at it, please show him the way that many .22 rimfire cartridges come from the factory …

Note from JWR:

Today we present another three entries for Round 35 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and B.) Two cases of Alpine Aire freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $400 value.) C.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from Safecastle.com (a $275 value), D.) A $250 gift certificate from Sunflower Ammo, and …

A Few Words on Bicycles, by Semper Bike

About 17 years ago I realized that I could not do all the things that I had done when I was in my 20s. I use to play pick-up basketball for hours, play soccer, stay up way too late, hike lots of miles, and a lot of other things, and not feel too much pain the next day. Well, I’m 47 now and I can barely run or do anything that requires lateral movement like soccer or basketball due to multiple operations on my ankles, knee and back. About the only things that I can do pain-free is swim and …

Beans, Bullets, Band-Aids and Bicycles, by Phill in Texas

If you know how to ride a bike then raise your hand.  If you didn’t raise your hand then you are either lying or don’t have hands.  The truth is everyone knows how to ride a bike and everyone at some point in their lives has owned a bike.  If everyone has owned a bike or at least knows how to ride one, then I must beg the question “Why is no one talking more about bikes for TEOTWAWKI type situations?”  Allow me to remedy this quandary. Possession of bicycles  is highly underrated in topic general.  Additionally, from the lack …

How to Pack Storage Totes For Evacuation, by C.Y.

One way to pack emergency supplies is in plastic storage totes, which are available inexpensively at department stores. Many stores have 18 liter volume totes, between five and ten dollars per tote. They also have smaller sizes, which may be more convenient. The smaller sizes may be easier to pack in the car.) [JWR Adds: For strength, the opaque Rubbermaid brand totes are preferred over the more brittle transparent totes. I also recommend taking some detailed measurements and doing some test fitting of bins in your vehicle(s), for the most efficient packing arrangement.] There are two general categories of action …

High Mileage Transportation For an Age of Scarcity, by Inyokern

Everything is about sustainability. Housing, heating, food, self defense, water supplies: do it yourself, maintain it. We can’t turn away, completely, from the best parts of our civilization however. That means things like centralized small business. Small scale manufacturing is ongoing in little towns with certain specialties. Getting there from semi-remote or rural self sufficient farms for that extra income or making use of a skill set for a high demand part (gunsmiths, CB radio, water pumps, wood stoves, solar panels, small engines etc) are often best built and sold at a central location. It makes sense, for supply issues …

Economics and Investing:

Billionaire hedge fund manager Ray Dalio foresees a U.S. Dollar collapse by 2013. (Thanks to Tom in Buffalo for the link.) Dr. Ron Paul in The Daily Bell: Debt Ceiling Drama Chris G. pointed me to an article where some Tea Party members wax SurvivalBlogish: Money Gone Rogue. Reader David D. mentioned this in Der Spiegel: Tensions Rise in Greece as Austerity Measures Backfire. David expressed an opinion that the “austerity measures” benefit bankers. Citing the Argentinean experience to contrast the economic nosedive in Greece, David commented: “…the bankers’ austerity prescriptions are the quickest and surest way to beat the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Casey in Arizona sent a link to a fairly scientific study on firearms “stopping” power that is sure to generate some controversy: An Alternate Look at Handgun Stopping Power. If nothing else, it confirms my long-held belief that it is the man behind the gun that counts. Perfect practice makes perfect.    o o o Dust Bowl II? Oklahoma hit by relentless heatwave.    o o o Is there a Nobel War Prize? A mostly distaff and svært-liberal Nobel Peace Prize committee hurriedly and presumptuously nominated President Barrack Hussein Obama after he’d been in office for only nine days. For …

Note from JWR:

Today we present another two entries for Round 35 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and B.) Two cases of Alpine Aire freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $400 value.) C.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from Safecastle.com (a $275 value), D.) A $250 gift certificate from Sunflower Ammo, and …

Aquaponic Food Production for Long Term Survival, by Stone of Scone

Food storage is important for short term survival, and everyone should have at least a six months to a multi-year food supply. But long term survival requires that you grow your own food. Whether it is TEOTWAWKI or just losing your income because you were laid off from your job, a home food production system is essential to your security. Most successful food production systems involve using a greenhouse for year round food production, as a greenhouse extends the growing season, and shields your crops from severe weather. Another advantage is that a greenhouse is better protected from nuclear, biological, …

Food Security: A Pantry and a Garden by Marianna

Believing as I do that a tragedy of some form is coming, I expressed to my husband that food security is a great place to start.  As he is somewhat skeptical of what may come, he did agree that a food investment is not frivolous.  We have four children and already know what feeding six people a day is like and are used to buying in bulk and shopping smart.  Our food security began by starting a pantry.  Since our house was built in the 1920s, it has a peculiar little room (about 10’ x 10’) off the kitchen with …