Note from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 35 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and B.) Two cases of Alpine Aire freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $400 value.) C.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from (a $275 value), D.) A $250 gift certificate from Sunflower Ammo , and …

Keeping Your Communications Private, by F.J.B.

In this age of continuing disregard for an individual’s privacy, it can be difficult to keep your communications private. Warrant-less phone taps, postal service mail tracking, RF scanners,  and random roadside searches will appear fairly tame once the strip-searches start at the mall. Of course, this is their goal but even non-government snoopers are out there scanning your ID, listening to your phone calls, and trying to hack into your email. Going somewhere? Who knows your schedule? Did someone overhear your plans? How can you know? What has happened to our right to privacy? Many people today are so beaten …

Letter Re: Recent “Debtors Prison” Articles

Jim,   The Economatrix recently posted this article link: Welcome to Debtor’s Prison, 2011 Edition. I’ve read others like it and I feel compelled to comment.  In most states in the union someone cannot be sentenced to jail merely for owing money to someone else.  But in some states, you can, when it comes to child support and alimony. In these cases, a judgment creditor (spouse) can almost literally take the shirt off your back (even in my pro-debtor Texas) and send you to jail, sometimes facing felony charges. If you read the article carefully, you will see that despite the …

Economics and Investing:

Reader John T. sent a link to some ominous commentary by Bob Moriarty about derivatives: The Ticking Time Bomb Horror for US Economy as Data Falls off Cliff G.P. suggested this by Bob Chapman: The Euro-Debt Crisis: Greece, Portugal, Spain. The Debts are Unpayable. Once the Lending Stops the Bottom Falls Out. Casey in Arizona mentioned a recent piece by Michael Panzner, over at his excellent Financial Armageddon blog: Easy Way Out. Mac Slavo: “America Will Be Dismembered By Its Creditors” 77,000 federal workers paid more than governors. (Thanks to Pierre M. for the link.) G.G. sent this by Puru …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I often have consulting clients and SurvivalBlog readers ask me for recommendations on architects and design engineers that specialize in designing retreats. I strongly recommend Andrew L. Skousen. (In case you are wondering, yes, he’s related to Joel Skousen.) Feel free to mention my name when you contact Andrew. BTW, Joel Skousen and Andrew Skousen co-authored the recently-updated 3rd Edition of the book Strategic Relocation–North American Guide to Safe Places. This book is a modern-day classic in the preparedness world. It is chock full of maps and useful data for anyone considering buying a retreat property. I highly recommend it. …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“What we’ve got right now is almost near panic going on with money managers and people who are responsible for money. They can not find a yield and you just don’t want to be putting your money into commodities or things that are punts that might work out or they might not depending on what happens with the economy… …We’re on the verge of a great, great depression. The [Federal Reserve] knows it. We have many, many homeowners that are totally underwater here and cannot get out from under…” – Peter Yastrow, market strategist for Yastrow Origer, June 1, 2011

SurvivalBlog Writing Contest – Round 34 Winners Selected

SurvivalBlog Writing Contest – Round 34 Winners Selected First Prize goes to J.B. in Montana for Preparing Kids for Disasters, posted on May 28th. He will receive: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate is for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and B.) Two cases of Alpine Aire freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $400 value.) C.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from (a $275 value), D.) A $250 gift certificate from …

Tips on Buying Physical Silver Locally, by Frank B.

Twenty years ago a friend of mine came to me and said I should be buying silver. He took the time to show me what he’d bought with a small inheritance he’d received that year: 900 troy ounces of silver rounds. He packed them up in a couple of .50 cal. ammo cans and  spent the next 20 years moving them around [buried caches in] his back yards. Back then he paid something under $4 per ounce for an investment total of under $3,600. Twenty some years ago I had at least a hundred other things I could have done …

Announcing the Ready Made Resources Preparedness Video Contest

For the next two months, Ready Made Resources (a SurvivalBlog advertiser from the beginning) is seeking entries for their Preparedness Video Contest. Instructional (nonfiction) videos on any topic related to family preparedness are sought. The prizes for the award winner are a brand new Rock Rivers Arms (RRA) Elite Comp M4 (AR-15 series compatible ) complete Barreled Upper Receiver and a Trijicon Reflex sight with a combined retail value of more than $1,400. Please keep your privacy in mind when you create your videos. (Don’t mention any surnames or towns). You may post up to three videos to YouTube for …

Letter Re: Are Mexican Drug Cartels a Threat in the U.S.?

Hi James et al.,   I’ve slowly got around to reading most survivalist novels and blogs, but one thing I see never being considered (at least not to a great extent) is the threat from Mexican drug cartels. While threats from foreign governments and biker gangs would surely exist a post-collapse world, I worry about the discipline, ruthlessness, and resourcefulness of the cartels (see article about seized cartel tank). I could be wrong here, but it seems they already operate quite capably in a post-collapse scenario of sorts, so it would be nothing to them to transition to operating in a post-collapse United States. Maybe they’re …

Letter Re: Dressing for Self Defense

Mr Rawles, I found A.Y.’s suggestions to be very astute and workable, and wish to add a few of my own. Underclothes: fencers over the years have pressed the bounds of stab- and slash-proof clothing. There are a number of SPECTRA fencing undershirts, that are of the same quality, if not better, as LEO anti-knife gloves. They also have the added bonus of being made with the express purpose of being stab proof. That said, still hurts like the dickens when one really gets gut stabbed. Having worn one in 90 degree sun, I can attest that not only are …

Economics and Investing:

Mobius Says Financial Crisis ‘Around The Corner’ (Not surprisingly, Templeton says that it is derivatives that are to blame.) Over at The Daily Bell: The Aden Sisters on Money Metals, Where the Market Is Headed and Why Gold Is Going Up Thanks to William B. for sending this: Ireland may need more EU/IMF cash Reader Paul B. spotted this commentary: Gold signaling hyperinflation? Neal E. sent links to a pair of great articles over at Zero Hedge: Chart Of The Day: Currency Devaluation, Old School Style and Charting The Non-Linearity Of Hyperinflation, And Predicting America’s Future Courtesy Of Ancient History. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Pedal powered farms and factories: the forgotten future of the stationary bicycle. (A hat tip to my old friend Charley S. for the link.)    o o o L.V.C. flagged this item: Survivalists Eyed as Key Market for Central Florida Horse Farm    o o o Andrew B. sent a link to an excellent video presentation on using malting to improve the digestibility of starchy grains for nursing babies who have lost their mother, or the malnourished and sick.    o o o Ian in England wrote to mention that in Europe there is currently have an E. Coli outbreak …