You can’t make this stuff up. Seriously. Ben Bernanke claims that the $600 billion QE2 will create 700,000 jobs. Even if he’s right, that’s $857,142.86 per job created. Even if you believe the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, more appropriately called the “BBS”) thei figure of 14.8 million currently unemployed Americans, that means that the U.S. would need to have just over 20 more infusions of $600 billion to employ all of our unemployed. 20 x $600,000,000,000… (drumroll, please)… $12 Trillion! I think that it’s doable. Let’s get QE3-to-QE22 underway. Maybe SurvivalBlog readers could start a grassroots movement to get this thing rolling… Somewhere, a very fat lady is singing. – N.I.M.
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