Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson has a new science fiction novel in his Freehold series now available in book stores and from Internet sellers like amazon.com: Do Unto Others. Mike is a gifted writer, and I’m honored to have him on SurvivalBlog’s masthead.

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G.G. sent this item from Britain’s Daily Mail: Do it yourself? Not likely if you’re under 35. More than half are DIY dunces who can’t even rewire a plug and have to rely on parents

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When is a Brigade not a “Brigade”? Combat brigades in Iraq under different name. (A hat tip to Judy T. for the link.)

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RFJ spotted this over at Lifehacker: Convert a Bike Pump into a Manual Vacuum Pump. This might be useful in food preservation and other tasks in a grid-down situation.