Letter Re: Generator Experiences During a Recent Nor’easter

Greetings Mr. Rawles, I just wanted to pass along a quick reminder to your readers who took the time and expense to buy a backup generator, but haven’t taken the time to periodically test and maintain it. Here in southeastern Virginia, we are still recovering from what was called the “Atlantic Assault” by the hyperventilating reporters on the Weather Channel. To be fair, though, this was indeed a whopper of a Nor’easter that gave us flooding only a foot or so less than Hurricane Isabel in 2003. We lost power the evening of November 12, but luckily got it back …

Letter Re: A Tip on Egg Organization

Good Day JWR, My prayers continue daily for you, and for your son’s hearts healing at the loss of Memsahib. May you find some fraction of reciprocal solace and warmth from the Thanksgiving Blessings from God for the many hundreds of thousands of lives that you have enriched with your blog and books. Thanksgivings to you JWR for what you have done and do so very well, by providing this valuable multi-national information highway of connectedness on survival and preparedness! Here is my organizational tip of the week I would like to share. We have free range poultry and very …

Letter Re: B&M Baked Beans and Canned Bread

Jim, Being born and raised in Maine, I was introduced to B&M baked beans at a young age. Beans and brown bread were our standard fare on Saturday nights for many years. Over the years, I have grown increasingly fond of them, although harder to find in the Midwest – they seem to get crowded off many grocery store shelves in favor of lesser rivals. In particular, I love B&M brown bread (with or without raisins) – rich, moist dense bread made with molasses and packaged in a can. It is heated inside the can (hint: slice it cold, before …

Economics and Investing:

GG sent this: A Mad Rush as Gold Bugs Get the Boot FAF sent this from Fox News: Economic Growth Revised Down in 3rd Quarter From El Jefe Jeff E.: Stocks, Oil Drop After U.S. Consumer Spending Trails Forecasts Items from The Economatrix: Crude Prices Sink Down Near $76 Reports on Consumer Confidence, GDP Tug at Stocks Banks Earn $2.8 Billion in 3Q, Insurance in Red Reports on GDP and Consumers Signal Modest Rebound Fed Under Fire as Public Anger Mounts Goldman Sachs and US Demise Wall Street Plays Hardball Restaurants Brace for a Sour Season as Consumers Lose Appetite …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Real estate bust opens doors for parties at vacant houses. (Thanks to GG for the link.)    o o o Reader Ken S. wrote to mention: “I have also been diving construction dumpsters at various construction sites for excess building materials. You’d be shocked at what a construction hand will throw away. It’s just another way to survive this worsening economy and put stacks of building materials in my storage shed.”    o o o Courtesy of reader HPD comes another Nanny State Britannia Update: British police arrest people ‘just for the DNA’; More than three-quarters of young black men …

Note from JWR:

A reminder that the special two-week 25% off sale on canned Mountain House foods at Ready Made Resources ends in less than a week. They are offering free shipping on full (“unbroken”) cases lots. But because of the higher handling costs, if you “mix and match” cans within cases, shipping will be charged.

Letter Re: A SurvivalBlogger Reviews Roland Emmerich’s 2012

Jim: I saw [Roland Emmerich’s new movie] 2012, the movie and must say it failed to live up to my hopes. It depended little on Mayan predictions and the coming of Planet X or Niburu but instead on some very iffy particle physics, the rapid heating of Earth’s interior due to an intense neutrino flux from an immense solar flare, the “largest ever recorded.” Never mind that a flare that size would have fried all grids, chips, and transistors and reset civilization back to the early iron age due to Carrington Effect. Nobody would have known what the hell was …

Letter Re: Preparing Your Spouse

I really liked the post about preparing your spouse but saw one thing missing or at least not stated explicitly. Your spouse needs to know how to do these things and the only way to really learn most of these practical tasks is to do them with your spouse. Binders [full of information] are great but unless you know how to execute all the steps, where all the necessary tools and pieces are and how to use them binders are not going to help much. To illustrate the importance of actually doing something I will relay a recent tale from …

Letter Re: Mountain Money Isn’t

Mr. Rawles- I’ve seen it repeated everywhere that an item of big importance in survival preps is toilet paper. I do not understand this, myself. While I do use the stuff, I grew up as the son of immigrants from an impoverished nation, and learned a bit about the bathroom customs of the old country. Basically, my progenitors would use a small bucket of water and their hand to wash themselves post-elimination. Frankly, I think it gets the area cleaner than the best 3-ply can. It would put less of a load on a septic tank, if you’ve got one. …

Letter Re: Which Items Need a “Cool Dry Place”, and Which Don’t?

Mr. Editor, It seems that when we have to store anything it is always recommended to store in a cool dark area with low humidity. What things can we store in less than favorable spots like attics or outside sheds where the temps and humidity varies greatly? Thanks for all you have done for us. – Bill H. in Delaware JWR Replies: Humidity can be problematic, but some items that can tolerate fairly high temperature inside a shed include salt, ammunition, paper products, and many cleaning supplies and lubricants. (But do your homework on potential leaks and fire danger, especially …

Letter Re: Seeking Advice on Safe Food Storage, and Recommended Sources

Mr. Rawles, My test indictor for properly functioning Oxygen Absorbing Packets while packaging bulk storage in food grade buckets is the downward pull on the lid. If a good seal is formed by the lid (which is imperative for any method of purging the Oxygen) the packets will cause a vacuum to be created in the bucket and the lid will be concave. It may take up to three (3) days for this to happen. I have had one bucket so far not seal properly and it did not display the concave lid. I replaced the lid and absorber packets …

Economics and Investing:

GG flagged this: The Debt Bomb: Uncle Sam on teaser rate Randy F. sent this: Payback Time – Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government Items from The Economatrix: Stocks Climb on Report Showing Jump in Home Sales Late Payments on Credit Cards Drop in 3Q IMF Chief: Global Economy Still Fragile AP Survey: Debt Stress Turns Shoppers into Scrooges Gas Prices Fall to Begin Busy Travel Week Bets Rise on Rich Country Derivative Defaults Gold Hits New High Among Rising Political Tension Couples Turn to “Shift-Parenting” to Stay Afloat End of the Checkbook: Bankers Drawing Plans, Could End by …

Letter Re: Preparing Your Spouse

Mr. Rawles,Several years ago I took a serious fall and was out of commission for several months. My husband had to completely take over the household responsibilities during that time. Fortunately, he was working at home and I was available to give him direction and information. Had I not been, he would have really struggled to figure out just how I got things done. As he was buttoning up the house in preparation for winter this year it occurred to me that, if he were suddenly unavailable, I too would be at a loss to remember all of the details …