Odds ‘n Sods:

J.K. recommended the publications of Astragal Press. They emphasize “early tools, trades, and technology” J.K. commented “I ran across them a while back while researching my slide rule collection. There’s several books on blacksmithing and woodworking with traditional tools that I’m planning on adding to my preparedness library, in case I end up having to operate in a long-duration ‘low-tech’ environment.”

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G&K sent a story from Fox News: The Nazareth Hardened Home.

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Mike Williamson sent a link to a clever improvised ox roast.

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Ted B. sent a link to this news story about declining crime rates from MSNBC. Ted’s comments: “The news media is at a loss to explain why, with huge unemployment numbers and a devastated economy, the major crime levels are down. They make numerous guesses, most of which are patently wrong. Heinlein had it right: ‘An armed society is a polite society.'”