Odds ‘n Sods:

Cheryl (aka The Economatrix) mentioned that Sun Tzu’s Art of War (Sonshi’s translation, not the Giles edition) free on-line. Be sure to check out the Strategy Course.

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I found this linked at The Drudge Report (a very good news aggregation page that I scan at least once a week): Asteroid passes just 8,700 miles from Earth – with only 15 hours warning

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Also from Drudge: Cuba orders extreme measures to cut energy use. An energy saving tip for Papa Fidel: You could save half a million watts, if you just pull the plug on the Schumer that spews forth from La Voz de la Propagandistas.

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Cheryl spotted this article: Survival School: Why More Americans Are Learning To Pick Locks, Bust Out Of Handcuffs, And Avoid Surveillance