Letter Re: Perspectives on Roughing It and Covert Car Camping

My dad kicked me out when I was 19 so I lived in my car for a year on the streets and got pretty good at it. I’m now married in my mid-40s and have ran several successful businesses and doing well for myself. But, I’m still a cheapie at heart. I absolutely hate paying for motels. When I travel I spend lots of money on food and entertainment, but I hate paying nightly for a bed to sleep on. About 10 years ago I bought nondescript 1994 mini-van Plymouth Voyager and converted it into what I call the Stealth …

Economics and Investing:

Barry Ritholtz sets the record straight, (by way of a link at The Automatic Earth blog): Existing Home Sales FALL in September 2009. FG sent this: Detroit house auction flops for urban wasteland Jim Rogers Interview: Long Sugar, But Getting Short Bonds (Thanks to GG for the link.) Items from The Economatrix: Derivatives Bill Amended to Let Big Banks Keep Some Contracts Secret Unemployment Getting Much Worse in 43 States The Gathering Storm in Commercial Real Estate How Uncle Sam is Killing Your Savings Jim Willie: Attack By Central Bank Lilliputians Obama Wants Banks to Lend More to Small Businesses …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Chester suggested this YouTube instructional video: AR15 / M4 Magazine Pouches    o o o You gotta love Missouri: Anvil Shooting! And here is a lot more of the same, using electric detonators.    o o o Jay mentioned the trailer for the new post-Peak Oil documentary film, titled “Collapse.” Has this guy been reading SurvivalBlog?

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"Inflation has now been institutionalized at a fairly constant 5% per year. This has been scientifically determined to be the optimum level for generating the most revenue without causing public alarm. A 5% devaluation applies, not only to the money earned this year, but to all that is left over from previous years. At the end of the first year, a dollar is worth 95 cents. At the end of the second year, the 95 cents is reduced again by 5%, leaving its worth at 90 cents, and so on. By the time a person has worked 20 years, the …

Letter Re: Survival Notes from the Dominican Republic

Jim, I’ve recently read several of your books and found them both interesting and educational. I would like to offer some personal insights based on my experiences from living in a small rural town one of the larger Caribbean islands. Most of my notes are cheap solutions used by people in developing nations all over the world. There may be better ways, but these work and cost next to nothing. Water: There is something especially disturbing about opening the faucet and hearing a sucking air sound. Not being able to shower, flush, or wash dishes is the worst. One or …

Letter Re: Using Direction Finding on Looter Bands

Dear Mr Rawles, I’ve just finished reading your latest book [“How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times”], and let me begin by thanking you for writing it. I have just one small quibble in Chapter 9, Communications and Monitoring. This is something we both missed, and it didn’t occur to me until after reading this chapter. While I agree with you that looters are unlikely to have the inclination, hardware, and talent to do direction finding (DF) on a retreat’s radio transmissions, the reverse is not necessarily true. …

Letter Re: Open Enrollment for Many U.S. Medical Savings Plans

Hi James, First let me thank you for your wonderful blog, which I read every day. This is just a reminder that fall is typically Open Enrollment at many large and small companies for next year’s benefits elections. My company’s three week window to sign up for 2010 benefits opened yesterday. This is the time when a person can choose to participate in a [“before tax”] Flexible Spending Plan. While some people are justifiably nervous putting money away in a, “use it or lose it,” program, the I.R.S. made the decision a lot easier a few years ago when it …

Influenza Pandemic Update:

Obama declares swine flu a national emergency US Swine Flu Deaths Surpass 1,000 Pandemic flu can infect cells deep in the lungs, says new research Mandatory Vax for NY Healthcare Workers Cancelled UK: 25% of Critical Flu Cases are Under 16 UK Swine Flu Cases Almost Double in a Week Swine Flu Docs Unnerved at Patients Rapid Decline UK: Half of Swine Flu Deaths Under Age of 45

Economics and Investing:

Reader B.B. sent us the link to this “must hear” audio clip: Peter Schiff issues a Red Alert: “Get out of the US dollar”. Schiff warns: “This is what the Weimar Republic did, and we are going to have the same result.” Flavio liked this video clip of an an interview with Steve Forbes and Thomas E. Woods: Is Capitalism the Cause or the Solution to the Financial Crisis? This 28-minute video is well worth watching. GG suggested a piece by Carnegie Mellon University professor Allan Meltzer in the Wall Street Journal: The United States is headed toward a new …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Jim. H. suggested this piece over at Lew Rockwell’s site by Terrence Gillespie: Ammo for Barter – Ammo vs. Money    o o o Reader GG alerted me to this: The raid that rocked the Met: Why gun and drugs op on 6,717 safety deposit boxes could cost taxpayer a fortune. GG opines: “This is evidence of why we should not store our valuables in safe deposit box.”    o o o Steve sent this video: Fearless Gas Station Clerk Grabs Shotgun From Robber. He was lucky! Never bring just muscles to a gun fight!

Note from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 25 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost between $500 and $600, and B.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees, in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $392 value.) and C.) A HAZARiD Decontamination Kit from Safecastle.com. (A $350 value.) Second Prize: A “grab bag” of preparedness gear and books from Jim’s Amazing …

Survival Novels as Useful Preparedness Parables, by W.E.

As a college teacher, NRA firearms instructor, and military trainer (including survival skills), I have spent years sorting the most effective teaching techniques from less effective ones.  Obviously, some types of training, such as marksmanship, require hands-on methods, while classroom presentations are more appropriate for other subjects.  In all cases, however, it is common for students to base their questions on preconceived notions.  For example:  “What is the ‘best’ handgun?”  Best for what situation?  Or,  “What is the best survival kit?”  I always reply, it’s the one you carry between your ears;  knowledge, not equipment.  And, I am often asked …

Letter Re: Portable, Minimal Prep. Emergency Foods

Sir, Here is a list of the food suggestions that we made for our kids families. This list only deals with the food and not any implements or utensils needed for preparation and consumption. We already supplied them with what was needed kit wise and it was up to them to provide the food of their choice. Trail Mix Jerky Dried Fruit – Raisins, Banana Chips, Etc Small Pop Top Canned Meats – Vienna Sausage, Deviled Ham or Tuna Small Jar Peanut Butter Crackers (large round ones can be stored in “Pringles” tube) Granola Bars Candy (but consider the melt …

Economics and Investing:

Reader HPD mentioned this ominous news over at The Market Ticker: Possible Credit Dislocation: Be Warned From The Daily Bell: Dark pool trade limits to be reduced 95% in SEC plan Laura H. sent this: Democrats seek cover to boost debt limit Klaus sent this: China’s ‘Growth on Steroids’ Raises Danger of Renewed Slowdown [and Inflation!] Items from The Economatrix: Sept. Home Sales Rise 9.4%, Beat Forecasts Existing Home Sales Surge on Tax Credit Crude Rally Stalls, But Gasoline Prices Near Summer High UK Recession: Recovery Hopes Dashed as Economy Shrinks Again NY Delays $959 Million Payment to Pension Fund …