Note from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 25 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The author is an active duty US Army infantry NCO who is a graduate of the US Army Ranger School. First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost between $500 and $600, and B.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees, in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $392 value.) and C.) A HAZARiD …

Selecting and Caring for a Provider, Defender, and Companion, by Survival Ranger

Ironically, I’m not talking about a person while writing this article. The truth is that in many situations, a firearm will be a Provider, Defender, and Companion, and more. Thus, it is only fitting that I shed some light on the very real necessity of proper firearms selection and maintenance. In order to condense this article, and to prevent the inevitable debates, I am not going to list my preferences. Simply put, firearms are a means to an end. Whether it is the means of procuring game, fending off looters, quelling a riot, distracting and buying time, or just giving …

Letter Re: North Dakota as a Retreat Locale

Hello Jim, My deepest sympathy and prayers for you and your family after the recent passing of your wife. I have read for quite awhile of these folks that write with their questions and concerns for a survival retreat and where to locate and many have substantial resources to do so and yet many others (like myself ) didn’t/don’t have those resources. This is why I choose North Dakota which is notably in your top 18 states for retreat areas and I want to tell you why. I have traveled extensively over the years to every state in the US …

Letter Re: Wood Stove Selection, Operation, and Safety

James, You’ve had two good letters on woodstoves recently. I’d like to add a few thoughts based of heating and cooking with wood for a couple of decades in the Colorado mountains. I have never been more contented than when there’s a blizzard raging outside and I’m inside next to a nice warm woodstove. That being said, woodstoves and chainsaws account for the vast majority of domestic emergencies in many rural areas and a constant source of amusement for EMTs. As has been written, the importance of a properly installed chimney cannot overemphasized. Do get a quote for a good …

Two Letters Re: Lessons Learned from Hurricanes Ike, Rita, and Katrina

Mr. Rawles, I just finished reading Patriots, all I can say is thank you. A few things I’d like to add to what TiredTubes said about hurricane preparedness: First, when my wife and I first moved to Florida we had little knowledge of hurricanes and their impact. However, due to great parents we had been brought up to always be prepared. So we read and made preparations for ourselves. We lived in an apartment at the time (now we live in a 1960 block home with hurricane panels and a new tile roof) and I asked the apartment manager about …

Economics and Investing:

Regular content contributor GG sent us a link to this press release: Adam Storch Named Managing Executive of SEC’s Enforcement Division. “Unbelievable! The Securities & Exchange Commission last week appointed a 29-year old Goldman Sachs executive as the managing executive of its enforcement division. You already know about all the curious contacts Goldman’s leader Lloyd Blankfein has had with Treasury heads Hank Paulson and Tim Geithner. So I assume the SEC must also be aware of these contacts. While I have no reason to question Mr. Storch’s ethics or motives in taking this job that presumably pays a fraction of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Yishai mentioned some free CPR, AED, Choking, and Bag Valve Mask training videos that are available on-line.    o o o Britain considering banning beer glasses to reduce chance of “Brawls.” (Thanks to our Editor at Large Mike Williamson for the link.)    o o o Damon wrote to mention that Northwest Territorial Mint now offers silver bullion in fractional ounce and gram sizes.