Note from JWR:

Several SurvivalBlog readers have written to mention that they’d like to help with The Memsahib‘s medical expenses. That was very kind, but by God’s wonderful providence, we are in no need of contributed funds to pay for her health care costs. (I recently signed a contract with Simon & Schuster to write two novels as sequels to “Patriots“). We covet only your prayers.

Letter Re: Advice For Older Preppers With Limited Mobility

Hi James, Thanks for your many years of great work. While I was enjoying and learning so much from your books and the web site, I was also growing older and have physically “lost the edge”. More accurately, I reaped the unintended consequences of 55 years of smoking and now have a tough situation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). This is [best described in layman’s terms as] a combination of bronchitis and emphysema. I have not smoked for three years and my breathing is now stable at 51% of normal. This ailment is not unusual in the senior community, and …

Letter Re: Growing Food on a City Lot

JWR: While we all dream that perfect place in the country it is important to emphasize how much that can be accomplished on a small city lot. My home sits on about 6,000 square feet of land, a small suburban house in a cookie-cutter neighborhood . The house and garage and drive way take up about half of the lot . Of what’s left, I’m slowly converting the ornamental landscape to organic food production. My current garden consists of 48 tomato plants (4 varieties) 2 beds of sweet corn, 2 rows of cucumbers staggered 2 month s apart for continuous …

Two Letters Re: It Matters Not Whether We Face Inflation or Deflation–You Need to Protect Yourself

Mr. Rawles, Just a quick comment on Gentleman Jim’s excellent letter. He wrote:” [U.S. Silver Eagles] are obviously more valuable than the pre-1965 junk silver coins, and thus you can get a great store of value into fewer coins. … Plus, they get very heavy very fast.” Silver is silver is silver. You shouldn’t be too concerned with what particular impression or markings are on the coin, or where it was minted, or what year, etc etc. All those things have their place, but when it comes to investing in silver and gold for the type of wealth storage and …

Mexican Flu Update:

Ask The Doc: How Exactly Can Flu Kill A Healthy Person? Models Projections for Flu Miss Mark by Wide Margin (Thanks to Steve G. for the link.) Egypt Quarantines 234 In University Dorm Over Swine Flu China Has 8 More Cases Second Person Dies From Swine Flu In Chile Swine Flu in Australia’s Defense Forces Second Washington Victim Dies of Swine Flu Latest Swine Flu Stats

Economics and Investing:

From “Kevin Lendel”: China airs fears on US debt, dollar: lawmaker 10 big banks get OK to repay $68B in bailout money (Thanks to H.D.K. for the link) “Experts say allowing 10 banks to return $68 billion in bailout money illustrates some stability has returned to the system but caution that the crisis isn’t over. Some worry the repayments could widen the gap between healthy and weak banks.” Cheryl N. notes. “Just remember, these banks suddenly were able to pay their bills after the FASB changed some accounting rules. It’s just more “green shoots” based on falsified accounting records. HPD …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From my old friend “John Jones”: Solar Storm Threat Assessment    o o o SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson spotted this video clip. Bobcat wood splitter. Wow! As my dad always said: There’s nothing like power tools!    o o o Christopher T. flagged this: Texas company offers ethanol mini-refineries The folks at Ready Made Resources, mentioned that they just received a limited supply of genuine made in the U.S.A. stainless steel surgical hemostats. These are not made in Pakistani, (some of which will rust in an autoclave) .Still sealed in original packages $17.95 for a pair, in …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"…compared warfare to a grand ballet, where every minute, every second, is carefully choreographed and orchestrated, but when the conductor raises the baton for the first note, two homicidal maniacs jump out of the orchestra pit onto the stage with bayonets and begin chasing the ballerinas – that is warfare. Much the same is true for disaster planning. Nevertheless, because you went through the planning process, you understand the key challenges, the key questions, and the critical issues regarding your specific business – and that is what will give you the flexibility to adapt in a crisis." – General Norman …