Note from JWR:

I have expanded the SurvivalBlog Bookshelf page. Most notably, I have added some survivalist fiction book lists, and greatly expanded my “Second Tier” list of recommended specialty books. Note that if you buy any items from (even radios, band-aids or Break Free) via our links, SurvivalBlog will earn a small commission. Thanks!

Two Letters Re: Walking Tractors and Similar Powered Farming Implements

James, I just wanted to respond to the recent article on small tractors. In 1981 my wife and I bought 12 acres and started market gardening, selling produce locally. I grew about 3 acres of produce each year and put up hay for animals. Our first big investment at the time was a BCS 725 machine with the tiller and sickle-bar mower attachments. We used that machine, and used it hard. Today it’s 2009 and I just finished cutting hay and putting in my green bean patch, using that 725. It’s still on the original engine, which has never been …

Letter Re: Many Weeds are Actually Edible Wild Plants

Mr Rawles, I read the article “Many Weeds are Actually Edible Plants” with much interest. I am a botanist not a horticulturist. I was trained in the taxonomy of native plants not commercial flowers and such. Taxonomy is the identification of plants. I did three years work at my school’s botany department doing field research continuing the longest prenuclear botany studies of native plants in the US. I was required to be able to identify by sight more than 1,000 native plants. My taxonomic mentor was Mr. Howard Reynolds, Ph.d., University of Nebraska and former Marine Corpsman, in the Pacific …

Economics and Investing:

Frequent content contributor GG sent this: Toxic assets ‘bridge too far’ Also from GG: come this from mainstream (Wall Street Journal) commentator Brett Arends: Is Your Portfolio Ready for Hyperinflation? Germany Blasts ‘Powers of the Fed’ Reader A.C. flagged this: Experts Fear U.S. Will Suffer Zimbabwe-Level Inflation From Trapper Mike: Dollar Declines as Nations Mull Reserve Currency Alternative Items from The Economatrix: Bernanke: Start Work Now to Curb Deficits “Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the panel’s highest-ranking Republican, raised concerns about the budget deficits and the Fed’s own actions to stimulate the economy, including buying government debt. “This can be …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Just one day left! Safecastle‘s 25% Off Mountain House storage food sale ends tomorrow, June 5th. Members will get a free copy of the novel One Second After by William R. Forstchen if they purchase four or more cases of Mountain House foods.    o o o Has Twilight Come to the Sun Belt?    o o o Richard at KT Ordnance mentioned this essay: When Guns Are Outlawed … Only Government Will Have Guns    o o o Marketers Fear Frugality is Here to Stay