Letter Re: Some Online Resources on Determining Prescription Drug Shelf Lives

Sir: For the survivalist planner determining actual prescription drug shelf lives is a critical subject. Yet little discussion or research has been submitted survival web sites. The following are some concise and factual sources with information on this critical survival planning subject. Congressional investigation: Extending The Shelf Life of Prescription Drugs Military Stockpiles ‘Expired’ Drugs From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Drugs may outlast label date Many Medicines Are Potent Years Past Expiration Dates (a Wall Street Journal article, re-posted by The End Times Report) From Associated Content: Drug Expiration Dates: How They Benefit the Pharmaceutical Companies Additional sources are welcomed. Regards, …

Letter Re: The Ozarks as a Retreat Locale

I’m giving really serious consideration to a move to the north-central Ozark area of Arkansas. My reasoning is that the weather is fairly benign – average temps are 40-to-80 F, good [length of] growing season; land is still pretty reasonable. Acreage at $1,000 per acre – sometimes less – is not unusual. The area has springs/lakes/creeks/caves; many smaller towns; living costs are very reasonable; a strong family orientated population; fairly well-developed medical services even in the smaller towns. I realize that this area is more suited for people who do not work or who are not looking for work, but …

Letter Re: Alaska as a Retreat Locale

Mr. Rawles, Although being an avid reader, this is the first time I have written your site. The letters posted on your site today respecting Alaska as a retreat locale raised a few possible issues in my mind. First of all, let me say that Alaska is my favorite place in the world, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. However, as a retreat locale, one may want to think twice unless the situation forces their location there. Also, it is important to remember that the conditions and terrain in Alaska are very wide ranging, depending where you are. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Dateline: Nanny State, Hawaii: Now they want to ban pocket knives! What is next, pencils? (“You might put your eye out!”) And speaking of over-reaching paternalism, Chad from Colorado spotted this: Schoolteacher Suspended for Facebook Gun Photo. My, how times change! My maternal grandfather, an Army Reserve Major, was a Junior ROTC instructor that taught marksmanship at a California public high school, before his untimely death in 1943. It was not uncommon for students to bring their own rimfire rifles from home to shoot at the high school’s indoor shooting range. And nobody blinked an eye…    o o o …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Why had they been so anxious to believe that any government could solve problems for them which had been pridefully solved, many times over, by their fathers? Had their characters become so weak and debased, so craven and so emasculated, that offers of government dole had become more important than their liberty and their humanity? Had they not known that power delegated to government becomes the club of tyrants? They must have known. They had their own history to remember, and that history of five thousand years. Yet, they had willingly and knowingly, with all this knowledge, declared themselves unfit …

Notes from JWR:

I’m pleased to announce few new milestones for SurvivalBlog: 6,000 archived posts 315,000 distinct visitor ISP dotted-quad domains logged in the United States Visits from readers in 158 countries 126,800+ unique visits per week! Please keep spreading the word! Putting a link to SurvivalBlog.com in your e-mail footer will mean that there’ll be thousands of new SurvivalBlog readers, and more importantly thousands of people that will be prepared in the coming hard times. — Today we present another entry for Round 21 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The contest prizes include: First Prize: The writer of the best contributed …

Bloom Where You’re Planted, by Gertrude

I write this to encourage everyone to begin preparing right now, whatever your financial situation and physical location in life. We are one of the many families that don’t live in a sparsely populated western state and don’t have a retreat that is fully stocked, off-grid and off-the beaten path. But we are very aware of the precarious situation that our country is in and we are trying as best we can to be prepared. Doing a little bit consistently every day will add up very quickly and you will be better prepared every day as you go along. Doing …

Two Letters Re: Alaska as a Retreat Locale

Jim: As an Alaskan survivalist I concur with everything Brad in Texas had to say. Alaska has many distinct advantages as a retreat location. However, it also has some major disadvantages. First and foremost is the amount of work involved. You must have a way to get fuel for heating. If you can’t use vehicles and chain saws, most of your summer will likely be taken up getting ready for winter. The same applies to food. You would have to grow enough vegetables during the short summer to last seven or eight months. Thankfully, game is available all year, so …

Four Letters Re: Preparedness Through Tapping in to the Craig’s List Culture

Sir; By way of profession, I am a CPA (M.S. in Taxation), economic survivalist by persuasion. One thing you may want to caution readers about is the Internal Revenue Services’ position on bartering income. Always, always, always talk to a competent tax advisor regarding your particular situation. Under the current administration, self-sufficiency activities such as bartering with others for services or goods may be considered a reportable and taxable activity on the part of both parties. Just a “heads up” to all, we all want to stay within the letter of the law. Thanks for the listen – C.   …

Odds ‘n Sods:

David V. recommended the latest essay from commentator Charles Hugh Smith’s Of Two Minds blog: Pandemic, Drug Resistance and Natural Selection    o o As the red ink continues to spread across the globe, here is today’s economic news: Some Deep Schumer talk in the UK: Gordon Brown suggests world heading for a ‘depression’. SF in Hawaii suggested this: Afshin Rattansi talks to Max Keiser about the Dollar. Max Keiser says: “Free market capitalism in America is dead”, and: “The technical strength of the Dollar will be short-lived.” Reader H.P.D. sent us a link to Mish Shedlock’s latest commentary: The …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Listen, this whole [heat and air conditioning] system of yours could be on fire, and I couldn’t even turn on the kitchen tap [to put the fire out] without filling out a 27-B Stroke 6 [form.] Blo**y paperwork!” – Robert DeNiro as Harry Tuttle, in Brazil.1985. (Screenplay by Terry Gilliam, Tom Stoppard, and Charles McKeown)

Letter Re: Finding Like-Minded Folks

Hello, I’ve read your novel “Patriots” and I feel compelled to mention that it was the first book I ever defaced. I’ve always loved reading, but I read (and in some cases even re-read multiple times) books but never highlight or mark up the books. I don’t know why, I just don’t. It was almost immediate, like a lightning strike… that I needed to change what I was doing when I started reading Patriots. It even occurred to me that I needed a couple different colors to distinguish separate types of information. I absolutely loved the story line, not because …

Update to Survival Gardening: Growing Food During a Second Great Depression, by H.I.C.

While re-reading my recent post concerning survival gardening, I realized that I have completely forgotten to point out some important info. While living through a crisis you are going to need to eat more calories than normal [to provide adequate nutrition with the extra exertion, stress, and physical labor], perhaps twice as much. I am planning on 4,000 calories per day. Fresh fruit and vegetables are important as a source of vitamins, however most green veggies do not contain enough calories to keep you going. During a crisis you are going to need several sources of protein, oils, and starch. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SF in Hawaii mentioned this: Australians rule, when ranked for elbow room. But I can be proud of the fact that I live in a part of the US with one of the lowest population densities– about 5 people per square mile, and most of those are squeezed inside city limits. (“Give me land, lots of land, and the starry skies above…”)    o o o On the economic front: Pointing the finger of blame at credit derivatives: What Cooked the World’s Economy? (Thanks to Charley for the link.) And all these came from Cheryl: The Whole World is Rioting …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"When we reflect that the eyes of the virtuous all over the earth are turned with anxiety on us as the only depositories of the sacred fire of liberty, and that our falling into anarchy would decide forever the destinies of mankind and seal the political heresy that man is incapable of self-government, the only contest between divided friends should be who will dare farthest into the ranks of the common enemy." – Thomas Jefferson to John Hollins, 1811. ME 13:58