Odds ‘n Sods:

Chuck sent this: Zimbabwe unveils Z$100 trillion banknote. (“Inflation was last reported at 231 million percent in July, but the Washington think-tank Cato Institute has estimated it now at 89.7 sextillion percent — a figure expressed with 21 zeroes.”)

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I just dropped by the Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest blog, after a long absence. I must say that the two Ryans are in fine form. Their blog has both some good informative pieces, plus plenty of their own distinctive brand of humor. Great stuff, guys!

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Anne E. recommended this video at the Pioneer Living web site about civilian disarmament in England and Australia: Americans Protect Your Gun Rights At All Costs! And here is a great companion piece, that discusses both hunting and gun ownership rights in the UK.

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More economic news, first from Eric: California controller to suspend tax refunds, welfare checks, student grants (It will be interesting to see what happens when there have been no welfare checks issued for a couple of months…) — Rescue of U.S. banks hints at nationalization. And from Jack B. comes this link: Monetary union has left half of Europe trapped in depression.