Odds ‘n Sods:

Blacksheep sent us this Army Times article about WoundStat: Army halts use of new anti-blood loss product. (Note: So far as I know, Celox and QuickClot (available from several of our advertisers) are still approved for use in trauma cases.)

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FloridaGuy sent this “signs of the times” piece from one of the several states teetering on the edge of bankruptcy: California Taxpayers Due Refunds May Get IOUs

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This piece by Matt Hardigree was linked once before at SurvivalBlog, but it was so entertaining that it bears repeating: And Now for Something Entirely Different – The Ten Best Post-Apocalyptic Survival Vehicles. (Thanks to Jack B. for the reminder.)

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“N” sent us the link to this essay on self defense against skyjackers aboard aircraft: Fight Back. Note that the author’s mention of carrying a carbon fiber knife would be a felony.So it is best to rely on canes, stiff combs, and ballpoint pens.

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Eric sent this: Rising desperation as China’s exports drop