Notes from JWR:

We had an amazing 17,945 unique visits yesterday, gobbling up almost 17 gigabytes of traffic. Those are both new records for SurvivalBlog. Thanks for continuing to spread the word about SurvivalBlog and making it such a success. It is not too late for your “head in the sand” relatives, friends, and co-workers to get themselves prepared. Spread the word! Even just a one line mention in your-e-mail footer would be a huge help. Here is what reader Paul G. uses in his footer: — Bookmark it. It may save your life! We’ve completed the judging for Round 18 of …

Letter Re: Some Practical Notes on Third World Living

Jim, As this is not a competition entry, it has not been reviewed by an outside set of eyes yet, and I’m sure its kind of disorganized, but this is some info about third world life, as I can see it here, after things stabilize. My wife is from Peru. She was born during the Peruvian hyperinflation and transition to its next fiat currency, the Nuevo Sol. (Yeah, we’re young whippersnappers) She recently started to help out in getting ready. What helped her was comparing the current economic climate here to Peru. This allowed her to correlate things that occur …

From FerFAL in Argentina: A US Crash that Will Parallel Argentina’s?

Hi James, These are hard times, indeed. The parallels between the days before our own economy [in Argentina] collapsed and what’s going on today in America today are very hard to ignore. Our local television seems to be getting some kind of sick kick out of all this. They showing the comparisons, even editing politicians and economists speeches showing how similar they were to the ones the American politicians and economists are using right now. In some cases, they even said the exact same line, the only difference being the language. About the article “Letter Re: What Are the Economic …

Letter Re: AVGAS as an Alternative Source of Gasoline During Spot Shortages

James, I’m sort of reluctant to share this because, well, I might need to do it someday and its value is in the fact that most people don’t know it. During Hurricane Ike my uncle, who lives in Houston, acquired use of a generator. That’s an interesting story in itself so I’ll divert for a second and elaborate: He didn’t own a generator but his next door neighbor did. Unfortunately, the neighbor had never run the generator and when they needed it, it wouldn’t start. My uncle is a trained mechanic (former career) and was able to fix it. In …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I noticed that spot silver dropped a full dollar per ounce on Tuesday, and spot gold was down about $30 per ounce–both moved by short term gains by the US dollar in international trade. Buy on “dip” days like these! As I’ve said before, I think that gold will outperform silver in the next run-up. Get out of dollars and into tangibles. But remember what Doc Sweeny calls The Five Gs. (GGGGG.) Get right with God and then acquire your guns, groceries, and ground before you buy any gold. Be advised: You can’t eat gold, and Krugerrands make very expensive …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“The financial meltdown the economists of the Austrian School predicted has arrived. We are in this crisis because of an excess of artificially created credit at the hands of the Federal Reserve System. The solution being proposed? More artificial credit by the Federal Reserve. No liquidation of bad debt and malinvestment is to be allowed. By doing more of the same, we will only continue and intensify the distortions in our economy – all the capital misallocation, all the malinvestment – and prevent the market’s attempt to re-establish rational pricing of houses and other assets.” – Congressman Ron Paul, My …

Notes from JWR:

I just got word that the US House of Representatives voted down the $700 billion USD Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) Bill. I’m glad to see that it was defeated. There is simply no proper substitute for allowing the credit market to correct itself, by working the bad debt out of the system. Propping up the system would have made the eventual reckoning day even worse. There will probably be some substitute or “bipartisan compromise” legislation offered, but don’t fall for it. If it extracts money from your wallet to bail out the banks from Credit Default Swap derivatives and …

Letter Re: A Successful Search for a Survival Retreat Property

Hi Jim, we wanted to share our story with your readers who may not have been able to acquire their retreats yet, and worry they never will. We hope our story will inspire them…. We sold our home in record time recently (big shock) and then went on a major hunt to find our “perfect spot”…we have been preparing and stocking up and looking to find the area we wanted to buy retreat in and start in earnest to live self-sufficiently, hoping and praying when the time came it would all come together. We had very specific parameters: minimum of …

Letter Re: Storing Multipurpose Castile Soaps

Jim, Thanks for your warnings and all the help your novel and blog are to us. In reference to the recent mention of Dr. Bronner’s soaps, I just wanted to pass along some tips on Kirk’s Castile coconut soap. It doesn’t have a lot of added chemicals. I can purchase it at Woodman’s for 79 cents a bar.[JWR Adds: It is also available at reasonable prices from several Internet vendors if bought in full cases.] It can be used as shampoo as well as to brush your teeth. People don’t believe me when I tell them it’s been my shampoo …

Letter Re: Recommendation for Water BOB Bathtub Water Storage Bladder

Dear Mr. Rawles, All the stories recently about power failure and storing water in bathtubs have encouraged me to write to you about the WaterBOB. It’s a heavy duty plastic bladder that you put in your bathtub and then fill with clean water from the tap. It comes with a siphon so that removing the water is easy. IMO, The greatest advantage of this product is that the water remains potable, even though a bathtub is generally not suitable for storing drinking water. The WaterBOB holds 100 gallons. Prices have increased substantially since I first bought mine a year or …

Letter Re: Expect Delays and Confusion During FDIC Settlements

Jim: If Michael A. in Seattle was surprised by his little run-in with the FDIC, I urge him and others to research what happened in Texas during the S&L crisis. That’s within fairly recent memory, just about 20 years ago, not like the Great Depression [which has faded from memory. And this was when the entire rest of the nation’s banking system was largely intact but the S&Ls in Texas (and a few surrounding states) caused all the fuss. Common problems included: 1. Inability to get at checking or savings accounts for months at a time. 2. Inability to get …

Letter Re: Making Alternatives to Commercial Chemical Light Sticks

Hi Jim, I’m a long time reader of the blog and I liked your novel. I have been amazed at your ability to acutely foresee coming events. More and more yours is the first site that I read every day. I noticed your article on glow sticks and I have an excellent upgrade for your readers. Forget using glow sticks and graduate to Krill lights. Now glow sticks still have their place, but 98% of the time this will be a better item to use. I have purchased several of these over the years and have always been impressed. They …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some more newspaper gleanings, most coming from our Economic editor: Citigroup to buy Wachovia banking operations — Bailout Failure Will Cause US To Crash (For full disclosure, I would append the headline with: “But Bailout Success Will Cause Dollar to Crash”) — UK Banker Leaps To Death In Front Of Express Train — Fed Pumps Further $630 Billion Into Financial System — House defeats $700 Billion financial markets bailout    o o o Hawaiian K. suggested an article over at Treehugger on aquaponics    o o o Reader FFF spotted this: How China has created a new slave empire    …

Notes from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 18 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The contest prizes include: First Prize: The writer of the best contributed article in the next 60 days will be awarded two transferable Front Sight  “Gray” Four Day Training Course Certificates. This is an up to $4,000 value! Second Prize: A three day course certificate from OnPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. Third Prize: A copy of my “Rawles Gets You Ready” preparedness course, from Arbogast Publishing Round 18 ends on September 30th, so get busy writing …