Odds ‘n Sods:

Rourke sent us the link to this PDF: The Day After Action in the 24 Hours Following a Nuclear Blast in an American City. In this study, Harvard and Stanford professors recommend a return to constructing bomb shelters and an active Civil Defense program in the U.S. (Rourke’s comment: “Geez, these Harvard and Stanford professors are sounding like survivalists!”)

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SurvivalBlog reader”Mr. Bill” kindly created more convenient single-file PDFs with chapter bookmarks for three crucial medical references that are now in the public domain:

NATO Emergency War Surgery, Where There is No Dentist, and Where There is No Doctor. (The original download locations for the less convenient separate chapter files were Hesperian.org and U.S. Army.) Be sure to print out hard copies for you retreat reference library.

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Attention SurvivalBlog readers in the Northwestern U.S.: Don’t miss the first WSRA high power rifle training event in Kooskia, Idaho. They offer great training at very low cost.

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Linked at Drudge: Read the sunspots: The mud at the bottom of B.C. fjords reveals that solar output drives climate change – and that we should prepare now for dangerous global cooling