Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace–but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me …

Note from JWR:

Our prayers are with everyone on the Gulf Coast. One last warning: The chances of nationwide fuel shortages in the wake of Rita are 90%+. Today, I’m covering Wyoming, the last of 19 western states, in my rankings of states by their retreat potential. This series will be followed by some detailed recommendations within these 19 states. OBTW, I’d appreciate hearing from easterners with their specific recommendations for good retreat locales outside of my “top 19 states” list.

State By State – Wyoming

Wyoming: Population: 493,780. Population Density: 5 per square mile (Rank 19 of JWR’s top 19 states). Area: 97,800 square miles (rank 9 of 50). Average car insurance cost: $646/yr. (rank 44 of 50). Average home insurance cost: $484/yr. (rank 20 of 50). Crime Safety Ranking: 7 of 50. Boston T. Party’s State Firearms Laws Ranking: 93%. Per capita income: $27,372 (rank 28 of 50). ACT & SAT Scores Ranking: 16 of 50. Plusses: Low population density, very low crime rate, no income tax. Low car insurance rates. Minuses: Brutally cold winters, especially at higher elevations. Minimal growing season. (Snow has …

Investing Philosophy + Free Economic Newsletters and Websites

You may have noticed that I only write sparingly about economics and investing. I do follow economic trends closely, but I don’t consider myself an expert. If you want to categorize me, then you could say that I fall into the “Guns and Groceries” school of survivalism rather than the “Krugerrands and Plane Tickets to Offshore Havens” school. My current advice is fairly terse: Concentrate on buying tangibles. (Namely: productive farm land, storage food, practical tools, guns, and common caliber ammunition.) Then after you have your retreat fully squared away with logistics, it is time to consider buying some gold …

Note from JWR:

You will notice that there are several new advertisements in our scrolling “ad bar.” And even more ads will be posted there in the next few days. Vendors have gradually come to the realization that SurvivalBlog is the place to be to attract customers! Some advertising space is still available at our low rates, but be advised that there will be a rate increase on October 1st. This is the “last call” to lock in an ad contract (for up to six months) at the current rates. Today, I’m covering Washington, the 18th of 19 western states in my rankings …

State By State – Washington

Washington: Population: 5.9 million. Population Density: 86.6 per square mile (Far less in the eastern half of the state!) Very high population density (by western U.S. standards.) (Rank 3 of JWR’s top 19 states). Area: 68,100 square miles (rank 20 of 50). Average car insurance cost: $803/yr. (rank 19 of 50). Average home insurance cost: $428/yr. (rank 31 of 50). Crime Safety Ranking: 30 of 50. Boston T. Party’s State Firearms Laws Ranking: 57%. Per capita income: $31,230 (rank 11 of 50). ACT & SAT Scores Ranking: 10 of 50 (tied with Oregon). Plusses: Low property taxes in some of …

From The Memsahib–Moving Back to the Land, “Successfully”

In the 1970s there was a well-publicized “Back to the Land” movement. Hundreds of thousands of America’s young generation wanted the freedom of self-sufficiency. But most of them eventually returned to urban life. We can analyze their failures to avoid making the same mistakes. Happily, someone else has already done this for us! Eleanor Agnew’s book Back From the Land is a fairly detailed analysis of why the “Back to the Landers” went back to the big cities. Here is a summary of some of the conditions that led to their failures: 1. The realities of rural life were much …

Letter Re: JRH Enterprises Recommendation and PVS-14 Belt Hard Case

Just a recommendation for Robert Henry of JRH Enterprises and his wife. Good man, dependable and fair. His merchandise is always a good product. Whenever I’ve dealt with him, I can only say it was “always a pleasure”. Oh, for your PVS-14, they finally came out with something handy and servicable.For $44 U.S. Tactical sells PVS-14 hard case for your belt. Fits with the mounting arm attached and has capacity for two spare AA size batteries. I’ll let you know how well it lives. Regards, – The Army Aviator

Letter Re: Doug Carlton’s Article on Concealed Carry

Letter Re: Doug Carlton’s Article on Concealed Carry (SAs: CCW, Holsters, Survival Guns, Survival Mindset, Firearms Training) Greetings Jim, Thanks for an outstanding blog–it is on my “must read” list everyday. Doug Carlton’s article on concealed carry is right on target. One of his best points is to practice the way you carry. I try to do this often to hone my skills. Being a practicing pharmacist I am exposed to all kinds of people. The ones that concern me are the thugs/pill heads/stop-‘n-rob types whose desperation has risen to new heights. But, I do have the luxury of wearing …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Our institutions were not devised to bring about uniformity of opinion; if they had we might well abandon hope. It is important to remember, as has well been said, ‘the essential characteristic of true liberty is that under its shelter many different types of life and character and opinion and belief can develop unmolested and unobstructed.” – Justice Charles Evans Hughes

Note from JWR:

Please pray for all those living on the Gulf Coast of Texas. Hurricane Rita looks fearsome! Most of you have surely already done so, but don’t neglect to stock up on fuel. (Fill your gas and diesel storage tanks, fill all you car/truck tanks, and order a “top off” of your propane and/or home heating oil tanks.) I predict that there will be widespread fuel shortages after Rita does her damage. OBTW, the PRI-G and PRI-D stabilizers are available from Ready Made Resources (RMR) and several other vendors. Today, I’m covering Utah, the 17th of 19 western states in my …

State By State – Utah

Utah: Population: 2.23 million. Population Density: 26.2 per square mile (Rank 11 of JWR’s top 19 states). Area: 84,900 square miles (rank 11 of 50). Average car insurance cost: $718/yr. (rank 32 of 50). Average home insurance cost: $378/yr. (rank 43 of 50.) Crime Safety Ranking: 14 of 50. Boston T. Party’s State Firearms Laws Ranking: 76%. Per capita income: $23,436 (rank 44 of 50). ACT & SAT Scores Ranking: 7 of 50. Plusses: A great state to live in if you are a LDS (Mormon) Church member. On average Utah has the best prepared families in America. (By church …

Letter Re: Idaho and Montana

Dear Mr. Rawles, Having read your retreat advice I’m planning a road trip through Montana and Idaho for November to scout around for a new home and maybe a new job (I’m a high school history teacher). Still, I can’t help but wonder: with the increasing profile of the blog and its ever-greater circulation, won’t greater numbers of survival-minded people moving to the ID/MT area degrade its qualities and reduce it to the same mess we’re all trying to escape/avoid? I got to thinking that when an Idaho resident & survivalist online told me, “Don’t come here, we don’t want …