Letter Re: More on Survival Communications and Six Meter Propagation Oddities

Howdy Mr. Rawles! One frequency [band] that I have had good results from has been 6 meters. This frequency is really unique. It may not be suitable for every situation, however its properties can be of use. It has the ability to become a national frequency when the E layer of the atmosphere is active. I have talked to HAMs from Washington state, to San Francisco, California down through Texas, the Cayman Islands, the Turks and Caicos Islands, Haiti, parts of South America, Vermont and above the Arctic Circle in Canada, [and] among adjacent states. Lets just say I am …

Note from JWR:

Pardon me for getting off topic “chasing rabbits”, but I will be posting some more articles and letters on secure communications, encryption, and privacy in next the couple of days. Encryption and cryptanalysis have been interests of mine for many years–even before I was an ASA officer. I hope that you can appreciate the utility of secure communications in retreat planning and in organizing survival teams. If not, well then humor me…

David in Israel on Practical “Pocket” Cryptography

In the absence of computing power if we are reduced to using tiny QRP [low power] transmitters for communication, then there may come a time where some messages require heavy duty encryption. This is the easiest method I know of the Solitaire card deck encryption method. A group could even generate one time pads which would be starting order for a deck and store them in a secure location. See: http://www.schneier.com/solitaire.html Here is a snip from this site: “In Neal Stephenson’s novel Cryptonomicon, the character Enoch Root describes a cryptosystem code-named “Pontifex” to another character named Randy Waterhouse, and later …

Letter Re: Amateur Radio in Survival Planning

Jim, I wanted to add that I think it is a great time now to test for Amateur radio license (“Ham” radio.) The entry level test is apparently quite simple and there is no longer any requirement for morse code (although that is a good skill to acquire.) [JWR adds: IIRC, that applies only to “No Code” license classifications, which have band restrictions.] I have been routinely listening to 75 meters at night, here in Coeur d’Alene {Idaho.] I here people as far as San Diego, California. Those broadcasting within 800 miles (Nevada, Oregon and all over the northwest) come …

Letter Re: Request for Blog Reader Recommendations–Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM?

Hi Jim, I’m writing to see if you, or any of your readers, have any input re: Springfield Armory’s M1A SOCOM. I am considering putting one on layaway as a bugout rifle, but have read mixed reviews. I seem to remember that I saw a recommendation on SurvivalBlog to dispense with the full size version (my MBR) and go with the SOCOM, but I can’t find it. Any info you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Letter Re: Diatomaceous Earth and “Nano Masks”

Mr. Rawles: Regarding the by another SurvivalBlog reader that mentioned that she had purchased Nano mask:  They have major flaw, so I’d rather choose [a full mask with] 95 filters: The Nano mask offers NO EYE PROTECTION. Think about it, if it can get into your mouth or nose, it’ll get into your eyes too. Secondly, [swimming] pool grade diatomaceous earth will work too, contrary to what the website says. (I used to own a pool building business for nine years.. – Tamryn JWR Replies:  I agree with both of your points. There are differences between natural diatomaceous earth  and …

On Cellular Phone Privacy

I’ve been asked by several readers for their advice on cellular phones. First, I should mention that the cellular revolution still hasn’t made its way to the Rawles Ranch. Perhaps it never will. I’d appreciate your e-mails with comments on this topic. (As a non-cellular kinda guy, I will surely leave out some important points.) The general rules of thumb on cellular phones are as follows: All cellular phones are vulnerable to interception–some are just a bit more secure than others. There is no privacy with a cell phone–or in essence with any other radio transmitter. None. Don’t kid yourself. …

From David in Israel Re: HF Radio Propagation and Improvised Antennas

Here is a good military level primer on HF radio propagation with some links on how to make improvised antennas. See: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/7-93/Appd.htm For more fun, try Googling on the search phrase: “stealth, apartment, and wire antennas.”  There is an amazing science behind these home-built wonders.

Letter Re: Disabling OnStar Vehicular Tracking/Communication Systems, Cell Phone Tracking, and Stocking Up on Prescription Medications

Jim: A few items that are of concern/interest to me as of late are topics that others have brought up. Don’t forget that disabling OnStar may be obtainable, but I surmise that disabling your cell phone would be patently dangerous in a slow slide or SHTF scenario. Learn [the details about] your cell phone, and VOTE WITH YOUR EAR! (Had to get that in there Jim!) I presume that handheld or vehicular mounted GPS  systems would also create some sort of signature or locale while in operation. Is this of noteworthiness? The last unit I bought, I purchased without any …

News Item: 18,000 Point Blank IBA Vests Recalled

The folks over at Military.com report that the U.S. military just announced the recall of more than 18,000 Interceptor Body Armor (IBA) vests because they did not meet ballistic test standards when the body armor was made. This is the second body armor recall announced this year. The recall affects only the outer tactical vest and its soft inserts, made by Point Blank Body Armor Inc. of Florida, and not the ceramic insert that also is used in the armor. Among the eight lots of body armor being recalled, more than 10,000 vests went to the Marines and more than …

Two Letters Re: A Dedicated SurvivalBlog Amateur Radio Net?

Jim: A good frequency for two-way radio communications is the little-used [amateur] FM radio band on 220 MHz. (See: http://wireless.fcc.gov/220MHz/)  Very few scanners cover it–only the most expensive scanners do which most people won’t buy. The reason scanners don’t cover 200 – 300 MHz is because its [mainly] used by the military. For example, the control tower at Moffett Field Naval Air Station is on 301.something MHz. In my research, I noticed that there are only two repeaters in Idaho that are on 220 and they are both in Boise. Outside of the big cities 220 is hardly used.  One …