SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

“Wolverines!” As evidenced by the photo topping this column, the Ukrainians are still putting up a spirited resistance to the invading Russian army. But sadly, both troop numbers and time are not on their side. We can assume that the Russians will maintain their resolve, even when continuing to take huge troop and vehicle losses. Even with a torrent of armaments continuing to arrive from western nations, the Ukrainians are simply going to run out of combatant-age soldiers. We will know that territory concession talks are near when the Ukrainians start throwing in both very young and very old fighters to the front lines. Bottom line: A  nation of 145 million people invaded a nation of 41 million. So, unless there is some tremendous military technological superiority to the less populous side, then eventually The Big Kid On The Block wins. It may take another year, but I predict that Russia will get Ukraine to cede its eastern region and a fair-size chunk of their coastline. That is just the sad truth. – JWR

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Family Of Six Moves Into Toolshed To Escape Inflation Storm. (Thanks to H.L. for the link.)

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Andre alerted us to this news: Extremely large flares/multiple large flares expected from sunspot groups with large area.

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From SurvivalBlog reader “Bear Mama”, in Kentucky:

“Hi there! We’re all fine after the storms and flooding. We’re up very high. Just now had internet (and therefore phones) restored, and power is back tonight too! Please please pray and ask the SurvivalBlog readers to pray for all the families affected. So many have lost everything. They are still searching for the missing. Our neighbor’s coworker died trying to cross a bridge to get to his wife and infant son. Another neighbor’s grandson was on the Search & Rescue team that found the toddler, the youngest of four children who all died. Our mail carrier’s house was swept down the river and she lost everything. I can’t even type this without crying. All we can do is beg God for mercy. This event is beyond anything in living memory…”a thousand-plus year flood”, they say.

I am still praying all the time for Miss Eloise. I pray Psalm 121 over her, that she may LOOK UP to the mountains and know from whence her help comes, to restore and heal and calm her and from there, her relationships with family. God’s got her, I know He does!”

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Reader C.B. sent us an interesting news item. Cicada killer wasp: It’s big, but it’s not a ‘murder hornet’.

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Fred The Valmetmeister flagged this video link: At US/Mexico Border With Texas Sheriff.

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A quite practical video, also suggested by Fred: Can I Survive Alaskan Winter with No Sleeping Bag, No Tent & No Tarp?

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Project Veritas reveals FBI lists Gadsden Flag, 2A, Revolutionary War imagery as ‘extremist’ symbols. And here is a video with some cursory analysis by Legally Armed America: FBI document leaked! What list are you on?

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SaraSue sent this update:

“Focused on downsizing the farm to make things more manageable – gave away the goats, breeding rabbits, and a few laying hens to people who really appreciated it. Feed costs go up every month. I’m laying down Polypropylene Woven Ground Cover from Grower’s Solution to combat the weed/grass problem in the large garden. Water is in process of being piped out to the various areas (animals and gardens) so I don’t have to lug buckets of water or drag out long hoses. Getting a new roof installed. Still harvesting potatoes, lots of potatoes! I dehydrated most of the squash harvest. The garden mostly died from the heat and lack of rain this Spring. It’s raining a lot now, so a fall garden is possible. The Cornish Cross birds are now in the freezer. Purchased a large generator in case of power failures. The milk cow is separated from the calf at night now because she’s drinking all the milk. The calf at 3.5 months is almost as big as her mother. Spending more time with the calf to tame her. Eternally grateful that I stocked up early, and thankful that I intellectually knew the garden could fail because it mostly did. I cried at the sight of my tomato plants – leaves burnt to a crisp from the heat wave. Not giving up.”

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Reader D.S.V. sent this troubling news: Six Canadian Medical Doctors Died Within Two Weeks After 4th COVID Booster Shots for Employees Started at One Hospital.

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Another from C.B.: Feds: $401M will add high-speed internet to rural US places.

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Tim J. suggested this YouTube video:  Cheap $60 Laptop Actually Good For Ham Radio?! YES! These charge on 12 VOLTS (13.8V) DC.

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“Paul from the Qzarks” had some comments on a linked Ozarks article from 417 magazine:

“My wife and I attended a couple of Len Pence’s gardening classes. He was quite a guy. I remember a conversation about how we could make our property look “already looted” post “event”.
“He also shared that the “GOV community ” anticipated a 99% loss post EMP.

My son shared that a frequent topic of conversation in Afghanistan ~2 years ago among the officers/Army, was how they might be able to get home post event. Hmmmm… sounds like a book I once read.

His classes (revolution in gardening) were always… informative.
His water catchment design (insulated 30×40 building with water tanks filled fron the run off from the roof) was actually a cost effective system compared with well drilling and decidedly low tech.
Len Pence is a good guy. Thanks for posting the article link.”

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A Guns & Gadgets video: ATF, FBI & Local Police To Start Investigating Gun Buyers Who Are Denied or Delayed.

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More news, courtesy of C.B.: Virginia county reports presence of opioid more deadly than fentanyl.

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Reader “Andrew J. Jackson” sent this:

“Harvey Griffin has a great point when he wrote his “Consider Health Sharing Programs” for SurvivalBlog.  As a broker & risk manager I regularly help my clients select from traditional group and individual health insurance programs and medical bill sharing programs. My clients have had good luck, particularly with Medi-Share and Samaritan but like you said you have to be very careful with the selection of your program…and also with the transition. I’m most familiar with Medi-Share and I always have my clients overlap a month with their old health insurance when they switch because there’s a $50,000 limitation on Medi-Share the first month. Additionally, most of these programs take their ‘exclusion of pre-existing conditions’ clauses very seriously.  Thanks for keeping up my favorite ‘daily read.'”

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And finally, D.S.V. mentioned Harvest Hosts: RV Camping At 3869+ Wineries, Breweries, Farms and More!

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR. or AVL. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact form.