SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

First up, at WND: Young Americans lead population in prepping for disaster. (A hat tip to D.S.V. for the link.)

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Tucker Carlson interviews Alex Jones in a lengthy (1.5-hour), wide-ranging, and insightful conversation, on X-Twitter.  It is good to see that Elon Musk subsequently reinstated Alex Jones to Twitter.

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Reader C.B. mentioned this new video from Texas contractor Matt Risinger: Building in the Country – Everything you need to know.

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Pentagon may let AI drones kill humans autonomously: Report.

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To follow up on my previous mention of his passing, here is a link to an obituary for my brother in Christ, Bob Griswold.  Rest in Peace, my friend!

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The latest video from our Editor-At-Large Michael Z. Williamson: Several Bayonets For the AR-15.

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From our friend Patrice Lewis: The Alpha and Omega Strategy.

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Video: An Entire Block Of Cars Got Their Windows Smashed And Broken Into In Dystopian San Francisco.

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How social media implement blacklists and shadow bans. What many people call “shadow banning,” Twitter executives and employees call “Visibility Filtering” (VF).

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SaraSue sent us this snippet:

‘This past week was all about cleaning out the cow barn, the hen house, the pig barn, and cleaning up the 80’x60’ garden of all the overgrowth.  I could not possibly do all that by myself so my neighbor let me hire him with his skid steer and he didn’t overcharge me.  I am always happy when I know the animals are well cared for and the farm is cleaned up and under control.  I am grateful for kind and helpful neighbors.  There are two “manure piles” going now and I most likely will leave them in their spots to age for later garden use.  I still don’t have a handle on how to compost things properly.

I ordered and received used vinyl billboards that I will use to tarp the large garden for over winter.  That should finally kill off the weed, bush, and tree seeds that have blown in from across the state seemingly, without using chemicals to kill everything off.

I changed the butcher date for my two feeder pigs, up from April to February.  The two little terrorists, as I call them, will be plenty big by then.  They will be around 11 months old.  The “net meat” calculation goes as follows, roughly, for pigs: 70% of “live weight” gives you  “hanging weight”, and 70% of “hanging weight” gives you the net which includes a lot of fat.  Much different than cattle.  Assuming the pigs weigh in at close to 200 lbs each (400 lbs total), the net should be around 196 lbs of pork and fat.  The fat is vitally important for rendering lard.  We shall see if they weigh that much by February.

I have been preparing to focus on the inside of the house that desperately needs help – new paint, some insulated curtains, a rug here and there, etc.  I have all the supplies I need now to focus, as soon as some dairy cows leave the property.  Is it possible to paint and worship the Lord at the same time?  His birthday is coming up!  I will put everything aside and focus on the greatest gift in all history – the birth of our Savior.”

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Burglars Hit Keanu Reeves Home … Make Off with Firearm. JWR’s Comment:  Those burglars are lucky that he wasn’t at home… He’s a competitive combat pistol shooter.

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Reader T.M.W. wrote:

“I have greatly enjoyed your books and blog over the years.  As I recall, you have previously mentioned that there is no great way to store coffee.  We have lived off-grid for over 10 years in the Colorado Rockies.  We hand-grind our whole beans using a Sponge grinder every day.  Freezing the whole beans preserves the fresh roasted flavor for over a year.  I purchase the beans at Costco – 6-10 large bags at a time and we enjoy excellent coffee for many months.”

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25% of Vaxxed Now Have VAIDS, Cambridge Scientists Warn.

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Scam listing on VRBO causes family to unknowingly trespass into Iowa home.

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Israel Won Mankind’s First Ever Space Battle by Destroying Houthi Missile Outside Atmosphere.

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Democratic lawmakers ask payment firms to renew work on gun code. JWR’s Comments: The way that this article is phrased makes it all sound so benign.  But what they really want to do is to track and fully attribute all gun and ammunition purchases, to build a database. That is evil.

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR. or AVL. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact form.