Sanitation for Survivalists, by Tunnel Rabbit

…should therefore be extended, or more chemical used if the water is very cold. Temperature does affect the speed of the chemical reaction. A method to ensure consistent and reliable chemical treatment should standardize the condition of the water to remove the guesswork. Therefore, pre-filtering in several ways is necessary. The most simple method is with five layers of cotton T-shirt material if the water is muddy and full of other debris. If the water is still cloudy after pre-filtering then wait twice as long, or several hours if cold, when treating it with a chemical of any kind. Additional filtration to reduce cloudiness improved the overall water quality and risk of miscalculation when chemical means are used. The ability to boil large quantities of cloudy water negates the risks associated with processing the same dirty water with filtration, or by chemical means, or both. Refined Methods of Water Filtration…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

John On water filtration I live in a very rural area of New England with no municipal water only a deep water well I get the water tested every year ( never a problem) I run my drinking water thru a big berky just for peace of mind it works for me and its simple. Steve Hansen Water Treatment. I have basically the same situation, well water w/ methane and sulfur. I use a simple 2-3 stage 2×10 canister filter for basic filtration. Get the clear housings so you can see the condition of the filters. Start w/ a 5 micron pleated filter that can be cleaned and reused followed by a 1 micron poly filter and then a 1/2 micron carbon block. For the safest, healthiest, drinking, cooking, cleaning and disinfecting water go here and watch this 30 minute video introduced by Pat Boone ww Reverse osmosis…

The Water Filter Quest, by Scott H.

…system which appears to be the most common system.  This product’s stainless steel housing is made in India, but the filters elements are made in the USA. This was my first choice based solely on reputation.  There exists much diffuse debate as to the effectiveness of the Berkey black charcoal based filters and their mysterious manufacturing components.  No one on the Internet was able to ascertain or say with any definitiveness what the black filters were made of.  On a personal note, I think it’d be nice to know what’s filtering my drinking water.   The unit I was looking at was the Royal Berkey and was a two filter system encased in a lovely, shiny stainless metal container.  The price seemed steady at $270.50 from a number of different vendors on line.  The replacement black filters are in the $50 to $60 range with an expected life of up to…

Get Home Bag for Teenagers- Part 2, by N.R.

water. I recommend including at least two LifeStraws in your bag. LifeStraws are water filters in literal straws that allow you to drink from any water source. One LifeStraw can filter 1000 liters of water (264 gallons) of water. Two two will get you over 528 gallons of filtered water. But even those will get used up. It’s a good idea to include a secondary filter system. I recommend coffee filters. With these you just simply strap them onto the top of your water bottle, fill the filter with the contaminated water and watch as it filters out the contaminates. Granted, it could take a while; but if you prepare the water ahead of time, you’ll be fine. First-Aid A good first-aid kit is a must, and I’m not talking about one with just Band-Aids and ointment. I’m talking about one with bandages, sanitizer, proper medications, painkillers, and more. You…

Preparedness in Megalopolis by John C.

…from a five or six acre lake, and I can fetch water manually if needed. Here’s the plan: first line of defense is water storage, and to that end we plan on using a “Water Bob.” Picture a bathtub-sized water bag. That’s essentially what this 20 dollar product is: a 100-gallon storage bladder that goes inside your bathtub, completely sealed up so dust and other contaminants don’t befoul the water.  Hopefully we can fill ours with city water before the services stop, but regardless we’ll then keep it topped off with lake water that has been purified with a homemade filter system. If water does not originate from a municipal source that is fully-functioning, you should consider it suspect, which means filtration to the degree necessary that it will not harm you. I’ve set up a normal double bucket filtration system using a very popular brand of filter that is…

A Guide to Chemical Warfare Preparations, by Bryan R.

…agents before they are compromised, the idea is that you get out of Dodge). There’s one thing about nerve agents I really want to hammer home, nerve agents quickly saturate filters. Ditto for blister and blood agents. [So you will need lots of spares and will need to practice changing them rapidly.] It is worth noting that the mask itself should be immediately changed after use if it was exposed to hydrogen cyanide. Against most of the nastier agents the life of filters is often measured in a few hours or less. If you’re going to spend a lot of time in a chemically rich environment you’re going to need to be able to change filters and you’re going to need to know how to change filters in a chemically contaminated environment (a technique useful to know, but one that would not be my first choice–my first choice would be…

Using a Dankoff Solar Powered Water Pump – Part 5, by Tunnel Rabbit

…of the pump can draw 20 feet of water when at sea level. As a rule of thumb, subtract 1 foot of suction line for every 1,000-foot increase in elevation. At most higher elevations, it will draw at least 10 feet. It is wise to keep the suction lift to a minimum, and use a larger-diameter intake line, rather than just 1/2 inch. A 1-inch suction line would not be excessive. When taking water from a surface source, the length of the intake line could be considerably longer if the height above the water source is lower rather than near the maximum limit, but priming the line more often, prior to start-up operation might be necessary if there is a slow leak in the foot valve. In morning low-light conditions, the pump can run very slowly if managed by a pump controller. It could reduce the amount of water pumped…

Human Brain Directly Attacked by COVID-19, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

…the disposable masks which are much harder to breathe through. They are not terribly hard to decontaminate and re-use. The 3M platform is great as I can use the same filters across their whole line and it is the most commonly sold across the big – box hardware stores. Ozark Redneck RE: using tap water/well water direct from the shower or tap to irrigate sinuses is dangerous. Several people have died, you should use sterile or distilled water to make your saline solution. According to this article boiling tap water for 3-5 minutes should make it safe to use. CuzMike Last fall I caught a bad cough/cold that went on for a week and a half. Nothing over the counter that I tried helped much. What finally got me over it was a solution of salt, apple cider vinegar, and water mixed as strong as I could stand. I…

Letter Re: Berkey Water Filters Work!

Dear Editor: I live an in area that is considered to have excellent water, however with time and age the delivery system is having some issues.  I am a great water drinker so this is an important matter to me personally, not withstanding any kind of a meltdown.  A friend of mine recommended that I buy a Berkey brand water filter.  So I researched and of course found that they are not cheap.  Being one that does so much with alternative purchases such as yard, estate type sales I almost choked when I heard the price.  I contacted LPC Survival (aka Directive 21) an advertiser on SurvivalBlog and made my final purchase. They even tossed in free shipping.  My friend also recommended buying two extra filters (there is space for four filters) because they will flow faster.  He has had his system over 10 years and loves it.  So after…

Letter: SHTF Water-Related Questions

Jim I keep hundreds of coffee filters at my house and quite a few in the BOB to extend the life of the Katadyn ceramic water filter when it comes down to that. Could a reusable gold-screen coffee filter basket be deployed to pre-filter water in a survival situation (with possibly other applications I’m not thinking of yet)? I have one I no longer use but nothing goes in the BOB unless it will serve well. My wife tolerates a giant stash of coffee filters because I use them every day, but she is less tolerant of salt accumulation, whether it’s table salt in a tubular cardboard box or a large saltlick from the farm supply store. However, she never begrudges me having plenty of 40-pound bags of salt to prevent an interruption of water softening capabilities. Is there water softener salt unadulterated enough to be safely used for all…

Diverters and Pre-Filters for Roof Rainwater Catchment, by Dim Tim

…then down the downspout to be flushed away from the building. And now you decide to catch the runoff, and put a barrel at the end of the downspout to catch the extra water. So far so good. But what about the bird poop, asphalt chemicals, etc, that are going to be in the water, not to mention all the other germs and nasty pathogens that occur naturally ? This is where the diverters come onto play, you divert the first couple minutes of the rain water, to get rid of the grit, dirt,etc, and then divert it back to catch the rest. I see this as a waste of water that could be used to keep you and your family alive a bit longer. You will most likely be filtering the water to drink anyway, so the dirt and germs are going to be dealt with in the filtering…

Getting it All Together, Or, The Worst Pencil is Better than the Best Memory, by Sled238

…================================== Next steps short term 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Medium term 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 Long term 9 1 10 2 11 3 (With a vertical line between the two columns.) Print one of these forms for each list subject heading. The real work begins. We have a rough draft sheet with WATER written on it in pen, and also a template with WATER in the heading. I took the rough draft page, and really quickly, listed every thought I had about water as it concerns my preps. Something like …I have about 8 big water cooler bottles in the basement; have two hand water filters, one is not made anymore, the other I can still get filters for; have a base camp filter, do not remember what type of replacement filters it takes; want a big berky filter, need to find best price;…

Editors’ Prepping Progress

…form just about anywhere, even on metal filters like faucet filters.) Hope that is some help. Lee Joe, I think the vinegar is a good idea. Hugh, you might also plan to swap your hoses out on a certain schedule throughout the growing season. Sanitize, then rotate the cleaned hoses in. The root cause might be the drip system allowing water to sit in the hose. I am thinking that while camping, if we take water from a steam we look for fast moving water. I know the water warms up quickly in our rubber hose when we leave it charged. The warmth might allow some growth. Adding a valve to periodically flush those rubber hoses might also help. Might need to get that water moving. On a semi-related subject I checked the water in my rain barrels. The water was stagnant. I had ignored it all summer. I used…

Letter Re: Mexico as a Retreat Locale and Advice on Water Filters

…oz. portable version when traveling. I used the system for four years and was so confident that I began distributing them to local orphanages through a local Rotary Club. I liked the idea of not being dependant on electricity or a plumbing hookup. I lived on a lake and on occasion would use lake water if the municipal system was not providing water, which was quite often or if the utilities would not provide electricity, which was quite often. Although the Black Berky filter is classified as a water purifier by the manufacturer, it does not remove viruses. I would add either iodine or chlorine to the water to kill viruses. The filter would then remove the iodine or chlorine from the water. I read an article in your blog about adaptation as a primary means of coping with changing circumstance. Mexicans are extraordinarily adaptive. Living with a history of…

Family Preparations for Nuclear War

…One important design consideration for your shelter is that you need to provide an Airlock/Foyer/Vestibule. This is your decontamination and clothing-shedding room, for anyone who is coming in from the fallout dust-contaminated outdoors. And, needless to say, that this space must be outside of your shielding wall and outside of your filtered air space. And it would be best for this vestibule to have a shower for decontamination. You’d also need some empty trash barrels with trash bag liners to hold contaminated clothing. Water Ideally, a shelter should be constructed in a basement that is served by either gravity-fed spring water, or a hand-pumped well. But I recognize that less than 1% of you reading this have a shallow well casing inside your basement! So, for most of us, comes the daunting task of storing enough water to provide a scant one gallon of water per person, per day for…