Natural Pharmacology: Medicinal Use of Mushrooms/Fungi and More, by M.H.
…to access research material to learn more. I did not go into herbology, as this would take up volumes of space. There is great use in herbs as medicine. My medical library has quite a selection on herbs. One book that I particularly recommend is along the lines of herbal/prescription reactions. Here are a few of what I think are the best: A Modern Herbal, volumes 1 and 2, All Indian ethnobotany books you can get, Chinese Medicinal Herbsby Li Shi- Chen. A Dictionary of Economic Plants by Uphof (This is a fascinating book in which they show which plants produce food, Ford, fibers, dyes, rubbers, spices, timber, and forced three products, perfumes, medicinals, narcotics, insecticides, and more. I mean it goes so far as to have bungee arrow poison recipes to animal hide de-hairing plants.) Along with this I highly recommend one of the modern books on herbal/drug interactions….