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…Be sure to sign up for the email notifications, they send out good growing articles and notifications. PatrickHenry2051 TR, couldn’t agree more. Thanks for your comments. As a believer in the Spirit that was behind the founding of our nation, I often feel very alone. Good to know I’m not alone. Avalanche Lily Diesel Dan, You need to join the Home School Legal Defense Association (www.hslda.org) first, before removing your children from school. This group will defend your home schooling rights if any public school officials challenge your right to home school. They also will give you every help and pieces of information that you will need to home school. It is an AWESOME resource. Call and sign up. 540-338-5600 Then Look up in HSLDA’s website your State’s requirements to home school: their curriculum guidelines. Because your kids have been in the public school system you have to jump through…